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  1. S

    Is a Volkswagen Jetta worth it ?

    personally i would say not to buy it you rather spend extra and buy a fully working jetta
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    Is religion part of culture or culture part of religion?

    Religion is part of the culture.
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    Christians and others:do you think the parents of the child in the article...

    Anyone who can't handle criticism of their beliefs is weak-minded.
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    What role should religion play?

    Anyone, man, woman or child, who needs greed of heaven and fear of hell; who needs to believe there is always somebody watching everything they do at all times, to be guilted, bullied and feared into treating their fellow man morally and ethically & living life as a decent human being has very...
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    Can jinns tell the future?

    Nobody can. Except the Jedi. The Jedi can tell the future.
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    Which is harder to argue with people, Religion or Politics?

    Which do you find is harder to change the opinion of, Religion or Politics?
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    is it possible to restore the audio from video i took on my iphone at a concert?

    since the music was very loud, the audio on the video is crackly and bad, is there a way to restore it so it sounds normal? thanks
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    Is their any Torrent Downloader Like this?

    Is their a torrent downloader that will let me put a torrent on but I can choose when it starts downloading using my computers clock Also any good torrent websites would be appreciated cause mininova went down :( Thanks Static
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    ideas of jokes cuz i got in trouble?

    What did a green grape say to a purple gape? Breathe you stupid grape Breathe!
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    how do i put ringtones into itunes so i can transfer them to my iphone?

    their a shortened mp3 file. i add the file and it doesnt show up in itunes.
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    how to install .tar.gz files.. Ubuntu and Kubuntu?

    gz/tar are just zipped files. try WinRAR to unzip them
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    can some please answer this question about nutrition?;_ylt=AqnkVNIAsVXDe8BR8rbb7Vbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090430202627AAX2gd8
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    What do you think about dish network?

    i think it depends on your installer... some friends hated it cause even mild wind would screw the signal.. others love it.
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    what is a good free program that will sync to my ipod besides itunes?

    for some reason itunes wont load all my songs into the library and i need something that will and that will sync up to my ipod. thanks
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    i want cheap wireless high speed internet. whats best to use?

    i need it to run my computer and xbox 360 so i need somewhat fast and cheap. ( i dont want cable or dsl) i was looking verizon. and they seem cheap enough. also i was looking for 3mbps +. thanks (10 points) really? so do they give you a box that connects to cables or is it wireless?
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    whats a good street bike to get?

    well im getting a street bike and i wanna know wat a good one is and also do they make automatic street bikes
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    LG shine texting question?

    ok is it possible to set a music tone for texting i looked on youtube to see if anyone had said anything about it and ive read the book thingy and i dont see anything saying that you can i know in most phones you can but idk how to do it in this phone plz can anyone help me i know how to change...
  18. S

    Does marinating a whole chicken in beer and roasting in the oven, just

    as good as using a beer can roaster? when i say beer can roaster, im talking about the roasters you put a beer can in and stand the chicken up on in the middle and the beer is infused into the meat as it cooks. i wanted to use a rotisserie the cook the chicken after i marinate it. do you think...