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  1. P

    Can dreams tell the future?

    About a week and a half ago I had a dream that me and my sister were in a her car, and she looked at me and said "I'm pregnant! Don't tell anybody!"... The next time I saw her, she told me and my mom that she didn't get her period this month. After she told us that, I told her about my dream and...
  2. P

    Is it ok for an employer to discuss my personal medical history with other employees?

    Yes, don't be so sensitive. Unless you told your employer not to say anything, I doubt he/she thought it was breaching any boundary by telling others why you weren't going to be to work. If a co-worker called in that they broke an arm and the boss had told everyone would you still consider that...
  3. P

    Peanut farmers are complaining no one's buying peanuts. But why didn't peanut

    It's not fair or practical to expect farmers to follow their product from their doorsteps to your dinner plate. Food safety is the responsibility of FDA inspectors who are so short of funding that the peanut processing plant only got two inspections a year. A couple of the employees at the...
  4. P

    Is it true that White House staffers are complaining?

    No, it's not true. But it's true that a couple of houses were just set on fire in my hometown and those houses were spray painted with the words, "Die, Obama." The kind of racial slur questions like this one contains helps the crazies think it's okay to do such things just because those...
  5. P

    Presidential comparison Pres.- elect Obama and Abraham Lincoln.?

    Obama admires Lincoln and purposely chose that same Bible for the historical significance of it. He also purposely took the Philadelphia to D.C. trip because of Lincoln it retracts the train ride that Lincoln took.
  6. P

    To all Sprint Phone Users? i got a question?

    At the most $20 for an additional line, depending on his plan, plus taxes, which vary by state. You may have to buy a phone, if you want a good phone, but you should get the discounted pricing with a new activation.
  7. P

    Do blacks think only whites have racial motives when it comes to politics?

    blacks and liberal whites..
  8. P

    Is christianity an Elitist religion?

    >you are all welcome to believe as I do or you are a fool that will burn in hell, ^Now what do you mean that sounds elitist, following Jesus' teaching is the only right way, all others are wrong so we are not elitist we are just right.
  9. P

    I don't believe that there are aliens on mars. Is my non-belief a religion?

    I think LOST has warped your mind, and who says aliens live on Mars?
  10. P

    Does religion make people narrowminded or are rigid people drawn to religion?

    My dad is very rigid compared to me, he goes to churc but that's about all he does, how if possible can I get him to think outside the religous box for his own good.