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  1. S

    Good Games to buy on Steam?

    Hi, im looking for a relatively good game to buy on steam 1. I dont want it to be too addictive 2. Please not too expensive 3. It is an actual good game 4. I like a variety of games (so any genre will do) 5. I was thinking about Assassins Creed Brotherhood or Super Meat Boy 6. By Pc is pretty...
  2. S

    Please help me with cooking a steak in an oven :(?

    ive got a t-bone steak sitting on chopped onions. how do i put it on the oven pan, and for how long do i cook it. thanks a zillion
  3. S

    What is a really funny joke?

    why does snoop dogg carry an umbrella fo drizzle
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    I left my iphone in a nylon jacket, when i got it out, it burnt me and... wont turn on...? it was in the pocket of a nylon jacket, and i think friction caused it to overheat.. and now it just wont turn on... can anyone give me a little more info on this... i would be VERY grateful! Im totally stressing out over this because the price to get them repaired is...
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    Don't you just HATE doing the dishes ?

    i love it, what are you talking about?
  6. S

    how to get my ipod to play in my car?

    Checkthe manual in the should tell u...My dad rives a kluger and a pPeugeothe just plugs it under the radio...Im not so sure...ccheckthe manual
  7. S

    short frendulum help plz !!?

    hey im 14 and i can pull my 4skin back while erect but wen i let go of it it goes 4ward ??? help plz :( will this resolv as i get older??
  8. S

    my foreskin pulls back but wont stay back?

    anyone have this problem or know what it is? is it because im not full developed (14yo)
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    dimension of a fish tank are 40cm, 40cm, and 40cm. each fish requires 10,000

    cubic cm. how many fish can fit? please. thanks ahead
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    iPhone 3G cost with plans etc etc?

    Is it possible to buy the new iphone on ebay and simply place your old sim card into the new iphone and not have to pay that tedious $30 extra per month? Will the phone even run without the $30/month?
  11. S

    why would she do this? why would any girl do this?

    i was talking to a girl and she seemed interested in me and even more interested when she found out im in college. i asked for her number and she was like ya def. i call her a few days later and she says "my friend on the other line" and doesnt call back. my question is why would you give a...
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    If you like you think these celebs are HOT?

    only kate the rest are average