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  1. N

    hi i'm looking for a rear bike rack for my ford fiesta zetec sport it is a 07...

    ...model...? I'm not sure tho if they are available? Surely not every rear bike rack will fit any car or will they? Any help is much appreciated....
  2. N

    How can I play PS2 games off a USB flash drive or a burnt CD/DVD when I have...?

    A Action Replay Max Evo Edition with no Media Player A downloaded ISO of the above AR that may have the Media Player Several USB flash drives CD-Rs, DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs Two 8 MB memory cards from Sony And a 1 TB ( 1,000,169,034,219 bytes or 931.48 GB) external Western Digital My Passport HDD
  3. N

    Religious people's opinion on Neanderthals again?

    Only got one answer from a religious person who didn't actually give me HIS opinion. not sure if people avoided the question or if it just slipped through... And i was on my phone last time, hence spelling errors.
  4. N

    Why do kid cartoon today, not do these things?

    1) Have no hints of adult humor? 2) Can't say kill, die, or death? 3) No blood at all? Even if the character gets a papercut? 4) No hitting? 5) No sexy characters? 6) No scariness? 7) No characters getting in trouble or dangerous situations?
  5. N

    Is this sexual harassment?

    no. it isn't. it's an opinion. now. if he slaps her ass, or touched her body when she didn't give consent, that's sexual harassment.
  6. N

    is there a way to install adobe air on a virgin mobile LG?

    I even tried to go to the market website but my phone is grayed-out. it runs android 2.2.2 and I'm trying to mess around with flash cs5.
  7. N

    Another word for "talks about"?

    another word for "talks about", such as "explores"? Used in exam essays like, "THis book 'talks about' the theme of love etc..
  8. N

    How do i put .avi files into my iPhone 4, and iPhone os has updated to iOS 5.O?

    You can use a converter like AVS video converter to convert it to a video format that the iPhone accepts.
  9. N

    Xbox avatar marketplace..?

    How can I sell my own clothes or props at the avatar marketplace?
  10. N

    Why wont my ps2 recognize a brand new dvd?

    It was my 15th yesterday and i was given The Expendables on DVD but it doesnt work, any help!?
  11. N

    My xdma6630 stopped working!! help!?

    It was working fine yesterday, and not when I turn my car on it glows red as usual but when I hit the power button nothing happens ....
  12. N

    Legit to put a VW emblem on a Dodge Omni with a VW engine?

    I don't want to insult anybody, but I have an Omni with a 1.7 liter VW motor. Does anybody think its legit to put a VW emblem on it? Opinions please. Just curious to read other peoples reactions or thoughts. Also would like to add, when I purchased it there were no emblems on it so............
  13. N

    Where is the best place to get a Portable DVD Player Charger from?

    I have a Acoustic Solutions DVD-273 Model and need the Charger for the Car.
  14. N

    Are fake Dr Dre Beats Tour headphones hard to tell from the real ones?

    Been trying to buy cheep but not too cheep on E-bay or Amazon
  15. N

    Are all the fraudulent American religions evidence that a free market has a

    Not necessarily . Con artists and charlatans have the right to deceive , Desiree. I just noticed your first line is alphabetical . good show! american by con Everyone prevaricates . Richard Dawkins hawks his own snake oil on his web page. Get your A is for atheist caps here It is...
  16. N

    how many mega pixels does the itouch 4th gen have?

    I just ordered the itouch 4th gen and it should come soon so i was wondering how many mega pixels the back camera and the front camera have.
  17. N

    does the new itouch 4th gen come with 2 mega pixel cameras?

    ok i know it comes with 2 cameras but are they both 5 mega pixel cameras?
  18. N

    Where can i find handcrafted jewellery and gifts uk consumer surveys,...

    ...trends, 2010 market sales figures free? Im starting a business selling handcrafted jewellery, handcrafted gifts and cards and in my business plan i have to provide stats on selling trends in the uk for 2010, research about the market and swot analysis and graphs to show peoples spending...
  19. N

    Where is the best place to sell my much loved Canon 40D & 17-85 lens? I bought...

    ...a 7D in Nov 09 & would love my? It would be a shame to leave the 40D in a camera bag unused.
  20. N

    Can I burn a movie to a DvD that already has a movie on it?

    If it's a rewritable, then definitely yes (but you need to wipe it first, not all software detects that). If it's not a rewritable you may still be in luck if the "disc session" isn't closed, and there is still space to add the new movie. How you check these things depends on your OS and...