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  1. R

    What's more annoying: A child who is whining and/or screaming or a yappy...

    A child who is whining because it's really annoying a dog barking not so much.
  2. R

    What religion are you?

    I'm an atheist.
  3. R

    How many of you are getting your dad the Star Trek DVD for Christmas?

    I wasn't but omfg that's a perfect idea he loves that crap.
  4. R

    I'm 18, she's 22. I really want kids in the future, and she's told me she

    She might change her mind as she gets older but is that a risk you want to take? I personally would break it off because what if you really fall for her. Leave before you get yourself in to deep...
  5. R

    Here's another "Billy" joke?

    thats funny he could of made up any lie but he made that up instead hahaha
  6. R

    Talking Dog Joke ( may be old though)?

    I love it so funny :)
  7. R

    POLL: Are you on a boat?

    u know it.
  8. R

    my 1988 toyota pickup is making different sounds, i ran it with too much oil for a

    while what should i do? Ok, so i checked my oil before i drove a 300 mile round trip stuff. I checked it and thought it looked a little bit low. So I added some oil to it, obviously I added way too much and now i have emptied it back to normal levels after at least 400 miles of driving on too...
  9. R

    prepaid sidekick problem?

    my sidekick id hasn't connected to the service. also i can't get on the iternet, im,or use the catalog.what can i do to fix this or will i have to return it?