Search results

  1. J

    What is the significance "Bell" in Seattle/Washington State?

    I have lived in Seattle for 2-3 months and noticed that there is a use of the word "Bell" in the names of streets & places e.g. Bell Street, Bellevue, etc. I have mostly lived in Midwest & East Coast and the names there use different words may be relating to locals there. So I was just wondering...
  2. J

    I've been smoking a year (about to quit) but it gave me lines/wrinkles under my eyes

    the wrinkles are there; not much to do about them now. yeah, smoking really ages your skin. the good news is that you weren't smoking that long, so your lungs oughta be feeling way better in a month or so. you'll probably also notice you're getting harder again when you get an erection...
  3. J

    Is it possible that when that the iPhone 5 for Verizon comes out, they'll cap...

    ...the data plan? Might be worth it to buy an iPhone 4 for unlimited data.
  4. J

    Does a material have to be ferrous, for magnetic flux to travel or conduct

    through it? and is there such a thing as, a semi conductor of magnetic flux?
  5. J

    How do you create rich user interfaces on Android? For example like the Facebook and

    Twitter apps have? I can only find tutorials to create basic user interfaces with simple list views, text boxes and buttons. I can only assume the Facebook and Twitter app use web views with HTML/CSS to create theirs?
  6. J

    New york anime convention!?

    Try: and click on Overview.
  7. J

    DC Comics Vs Marvel For 2011?

    I believe Thor is going to take everyone by surprise. That's the one I'm seriously waiting for.
  8. J

    any good nintendo ds games this summer?

    summer 2010 that is.
  9. J

    How to convert a downloaded movie to DVD?

    sorry, i have never used Graboid, but I will try to help you. If you can - find the files on your it may look like this julieandjulia.avi ...etc (whatever the movie may be)...and you SHOULD have Windows DVD Maker on your computer already. If not, then do a google search for it and...
  10. J

    Good quality SUV Car Alarm?

    I am looking for a very good car alarm that will protect my vehicle from being messed with or broken in to. I wanted to have something that will go off from a broken window etc. I am not sure if it is available but I wanted one that came with a new remote with a two way pager and remote start...
  11. J

    I have a regular TV and DVD player. Will a blu-ray DVD look any different?

    1) blu-ray discs can only be played on blu-ray players. 2) if you HAD a blu-ray player and played it on a standard def TV, that's be like "surround sound" with one speaker... you MAY notice a bit of a change, but not much. to really get the true benefit of the next generation of movies, you...
  12. J

    how do i put 6 to 8 movies on a dvd disk?

    you would need a higher quality DVD-9 ... and you would have to use poorer quality video order to get all those movies onto one disk. Other than that...Windows DVD Maker should be good enough...again assuming the DVD you have is of high quality/capacity and the...
  13. J

    I wish to go to hong kong with my 17 years old daughter, can someone

    ok, well...there is a lot to answer here so i'll give it my best... where are you coming from. a plane ticket to Hong Kong can be pretty expensive, but well worth it. I have been to HK 8 times and I love it there. I am coming from South Carolina and the tickets usually cost us between $1,200...
  14. J

    Microwave oven problem. Belling BEL-CJ/SS25 Combi gone wrong.?

    My three year old Belling BEL-CJ/SS25 Microwave oven and grill has recently developed a problem. Whenever I close the door when I'm not using it, and it's plugged into the wall socket, the turntable starts rotating. It doesn't make any cooking sounds and the interior light doesn't come on, but...
  15. J

    Should I do tennis, dance, or MMA?

    tennis, you might actually get somewhere with that otherwise MMA, should keep you in peak physical condition
  16. J

    How does the Xbox Live marketplace points work? Can you only buy them, or earn...

    you can only buy them. In RARE situations, you can win them in online challenges, like 1 vs 100...but that is RARE. Microsoft Points are basically currency for XBOX live. It's a really tricky way for XBOX to MAKE more money off of us. Instead of charging 8 dollars for a map pak, they charge 800...
  17. J

    On the xbox live marketplace i try to add microsoft points with a credit card but it

    triple check everything to be sure you entered the info in correctly, also be sure that the address you entered is the billing address for your CC, even if it isn't your current living address. I always find it easier to do these things on because it gets very annoying to enter all that...
  18. J

    Anyone know if the xbox 360 is coming out with a 360 blue ray?

    sorry, Indiana Jones is wrong. There is nothing on or the G4 website about this. Microsoft has said (time and time again) that they will not have a blu-ray addition to the 360. WHY? you might ask. It only makes "sense" that when HD DVDs failed, they would go for the...
  19. J

    What do I download so that I can play DivX on my Xbox 360?

    its called a codec or a plug-in dont own an xbox so can't help you out there. to my knowledge it should play everything.
  20. J

    Will whey protein makes me more muscular?

    Currently I a bodybuilder but im not using any supplement. All i do is workout, eat and rest. Also, if i start using whey protein, when will i start seeing results?