Search results

  1. EmilyQ

    Why did my boyfriend vomit blood?

    My boyfriend is 21 years old, he had quite a lot of alcohol yesterday and was quite drunk. When he got up this morning he was vomiting and said there was blood in it, he also said he was seeing stars when he was being sick. I am not sure how much blood was in it because i didn't see it and not...
  2. EmilyQ

    How can I get a job as a golf caddy?

    OK so i am 14 years old and i am looking to get a summer job as a golf caddy. I know the basic rules of golf and i know how to play. Any advice?
  3. EmilyQ

    What are these phone numbers for? DESPERATE?

    hey what are these numbers: (602)230-4210 (323) 213-4134 my friends say they r funny but i don't o for sure please call em for me!
  4. EmilyQ

    Ok so im going on my 8th grade trip to washington?

    my parents are probally gonna give me a lot of cash for the trip and i really dont want to carry around a bunch of cash in my wallet cause im afraid it will get stolen. so i was wandering if there is some kind of cash card that i could get that my parents could put a certain amount of money on...