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  1. A

    marijuana is less dangerous than cigarettes?

    That would be funny if we turned into cheech & chong if we smoked marijuana. Did you ever see Reefer Madness? Almost the same. (Hee hee.) The business about marijuana being illegal because you can't get addicted to it is nonsense... chocolate isn't (medicinally) addictive and companies make...
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    American Gas Vs. Mexican Gas?

    The gasoline that goes into your car has to be refined so it can meet very stringent specifications. So even if there was a difference between American and Mexican crude oil from the wellhead, those differences would be neutralized at the refinery. You couldn't tell the difference.
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    Does this finally debunk the oil price lie?

    Today's spike had nothing to do with supply and demand, it had to do with an analyst predicting higher prices by July 4. In fact, much of the rapid rise over the last few weeks was because of speculation, and not supply or demand. Nobody is saying that Americans can lower the price of oil by...
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    Schol trip?

    Wow. Where to start. There are hundreds of funny podcasts. Here's a place where you can check them out: In terms of music, I don't know your tastes so I can't really recommend anything. Are you too old for Hannah Montana? :-)
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    Are Clinton supporters getting a taste of what Ron Paul supporters have...

    The obvious difference is that Ron Paul was always a marginal candidate with only a few percentage points of support and hasn't come close to winning a primary. Hillary (who I think would make a great president, by the way), has had tremendous support and has won many primaries. I don't see...