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  1. W

    when does eclipse come out on dvd?

    i want to know when eclipse come out on DVD because i went to see it yesterday and i love it so let me know
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    G-mail vacation auto response, can I choose who received my vacation response,

    please read :? I want to send some contacts, but not all, an auto vacation response, but I only want to do it for some on my contacts list, can I pick and choose in Gmail? I have read it and it doesn't seem like I can pick and choose, but if I can how do I do it ?
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    Can you figure out this relationship riddle?

    If Joni's child is 15, she got pregnant almost 16 years ago. She could have been with the brother before she was with Marcus.
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    Someone told me that at&t now requires you to pay monthly for internet if

    I have not heard of such a thing. i know that when you first get a phone that has internet they make you pay one months internet to get the rebate. Not heard of having to pay internet if you have pda
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    Why cant people take a joke anymore?

    That's what happens when everybody gets all politically correct. It's only getting worse. People don't even want to keep score in intramural sports anymore, because someone might have to lose. WTF?
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    Physiologically, why do my calf muscles tighten up after 2 hours of dancing ?

    I know they are out of shape, but what happens in the body when we use a muscle that isn't in shape and then it gets tight > I know how to stretch them out now, but I am curious what make them sore and tight. Is it the build up of folic acid or ?? thanks your work out experts ;)
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    Ugly female celebrities?

    Miley Cyrus, I swear the way she holds her mouth makes me gag.
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    what is edward cullen cellphone number Please help?

    can u tell me what is edward cullens number so later when i have the chance i will might be able to call him help me out?
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    Going out to dinner with picky eater?

    Yes try going to buffets with him from now on. If he can't find something there, then tell him you can't eat out with him anymore.
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    Best prank you EVER did??? :L?

    i was in america and had 2 friends that lived opposite eachother. i was at one of there houses with some more friends. the friend whos house i was at foned the friend acros the street, and he said he had just ordered a pizza and he was gonna come over after that. so i phoned back and said 'hi...
  11. W

    I need some more ringtones, but I don't have internet...?

    does you phone have a recording thing. You could record on your phone ringtones. Or have someone text you ringtones. what type of phone do you have maybe you could connect the phone to the computer and insert ringtones into ti. Depends though on what phone you have.
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    Cryptogenic organizing genetic pneumonia, what is this , please read ?

    My 85 yr old mother had a lung biopsy and they said she has Cryptogenic organizing genetic pneumonia , hope I got the name right. What is this and how bad is it ? She is taking prednisone I think, I am ill myself and cannot travel to see her, so I am trying to find out what is going on. Is it...
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    can i expect to see the star wars movies on blu ray any time soon?

    they probably will eventually
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    Sewing machine embroidery designs of fishing for kids' shirts where ?

    Hi, my dad, a fishaholic for sure, died yesterday at age 94 and I want to sew out some kids' shirts and am looking for designs about 4x4" or close that show any kid, bear, child type picture of fishing. I would like to find at least one applique one to use with machine embroidery, Thanks.
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    When your kids are misbehaving in the public or with a lot of family around, would

    No. I can give them "the look" and they pretty much know that enough is enough.
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    Internet images, can we copy them to a cd & have a photo printed of it ?

    When I search like for an image of a rose, can I copy that image, put it on a cd and go to Walmart and have a photo print made of it ? Like to put in a frame, or are those images all too small ? Of course I want to do it today :) like all the other crazy last minute shoppers, thanks :)
  17. W

    If you could slap a celebrity's face...who would it be?

    Miley Cyrus, because I am sick of hearing her name. Also, her looks offend me. She looks like a flat faced piece of white trash.
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    what do you do if your ipod freezes?

    turn the hold button on and off then hold down on both the menu button and i think its either the play button or the circle middle button until you see the apple logo. i hope this helps
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    Do I have to worry about losing my content when sinking my Zune to a new computer!?

    I cooked my hard drive on my laptop and now all my pictures and music are saved only on my Zune! Will hooking the Zune to my new computer back feed the content onto the computer without losing anything? Thanks
  20. W

    Should I tell my son that I have been forging celebrity/athlete's autographs,

    you are despicable. What if you're son tries to sell one for money to survive one day and he finds out from strangers that the signatures are fake. Tell him before he gets real hurt by it.