Search results

  1. B

    Best countries in these major combat sports?

    Which countries produce the greatest fighters in these combat sports? I tried but I couldn't come up with very good picks see if you agree or not? 1) MMA - USA and Brazil. Maybe Japan 2) Kickboxing icluding Muay Thai. Thailand 3) Olympic Wrestling. Eastern european countries and USA 4)...
  2. B

    Can anyone tell me the story behind this old Kiai master vs MMA?

    What in the world was the motive for this? What is the story behind this? Just crazy.
  3. B

    Best countries in these major combat sports?

    Which countries produce the greatest fighters in these combat sports? I tried but I couldn't come up with very good picks see if you agree or not? 1) MMA - USA and Brazil. Maybe Japan 2) Kickboxing icluding Muay Thai. Thailand 3) Olympic Wrestling. Eastern european countries and USA 4)...
  4. B

    Best countries in these major combat sports?

    Which countries produce the greatest fighters in these combat sports? I tried but I couldn't come up with very good picks see if you agree or not? 1) MMA - USA and Brazil. Maybe Japan 2) Kickboxing icluding Muay Thai. Thailand 3) Olympic Wrestling. Eastern european countries and USA 4)...
  5. B

    If all the stars left the UFC for other promotions would Dana White & his

    marketing ability make new stars? What I'm asking is the UFC bigger than the stars like Anderson, GSP, Penn? Could the UFC lose those fighters and replace them with other fighters and use the UFC's marketing expertise to pump up new fighters? Is the UFC bigger than the fighters?
  6. B

    Does anyone have information on the legal aspects of MMA in California,...

    ...regarding Management, Promotion? Trying to sort out the legal roles, duties, monitoring of managers and promoters is not really a straightforward task. The California codes contain much information but they seem to lump every sport together and have little specific to MMA...
  7. B

    Does anyone have information on the legal aspects of MMA in California,...

    ...regarding Management, Promotion? Trying to sort out the legal roles, duties, monitoring of managers and promoters is not really a straightforward task. The California codes contain much information but they seem to lump every sport togehter and have little specific to MMA...
  8. B

    Best countries in these major combat sports?

    Which countries produce the greatest fighters in these combat sports? I tried but I couldn't come up with very good picks see if you agree or not? 1) MMA - USA and Brazil. Maybe Japan 2) Kickboxing icluding Muay Thai. Thailand 3) Olympic Wrestling. Eastern european countries and USA 4)...
  9. B

    Greatest left hook in boxing history? Greatest right hand?

    Who threw the best left hook? The best right hand?
  10. B

    Who are the 5 most popular celebrity athletes of all time?

    Ali, Jordan, Joe Louis, Tiger Woods??