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  1. D

    I need good movie torrents!?

    Okay so this isn't a torrent website but I have to tell you about it anyway. I watch all of my movies on here, you can't download them but they are easy to watch and they have some pretty good movies and tv shows on the website. ^^ check it out, forreal :)
  2. D

    Where can I buy the 2007 Chrysler Sebring Floor Mats? with the logo of Chrysler!?

    I can't seem to find any!
  3. D

    Did you see Rand Paul on Fox news' business program about Obama's potential

    payroll tax holiday? and appropriate stimulus measures? What do you think?
  4. D

    I just bought some paper to paint on, do I need to do anything to it before I...

    ...paint on it? It is Arches 140 Lb Cold Press paper.
  5. D

    Did u c Ron Paul's write up of the 'investigation' in DC of causes of the

    financial crash? " The FCIC: Passing the Buck by Ron Paul Last week the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission held hearings as part of their continuing investigation into the causes of the acute economic meltdown which occurred...
  6. D

    Did u c Ron Paul's write up of the 'investigation' in DC of causes of the

    financial crash? " The FCIC: Passing the Buck by Ron Paul Last week the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission held hearings as part of their continuing investigation into the causes of the acute economic meltdown which occurred...
  7. D

    Did u c Ron Paul's write up of the 'investigation' in DC of causes of the

    financial crash? " The FCIC: Passing the Buck by Ron Paul Last week the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission held hearings as part of their continuing investigation into the causes of the acute economic meltdown which occurred...
  8. D

    I went to see Avatar.Why are Republicans offended by this Sci.Fi.?

    Who's offended? It was a great movie.
  9. D

    Scale of 1 to 10: How well did Robert Gibbs manage to dodge this question about

    1 If I can't go into negative numbers. Have you seen this video of how OFTEN he promised to have the whole thing on CSPAN?
  10. D

    where is the front window defroster switch located on my 2000 dodge grand caravan?

    thanx & happy new year!? i've looked for a switch but dont see one. is it included with the main defroster or the rear defroster?
  11. D

    Whats a Good Diet if you dont like fish or vegetables?

    Well the important thing to keep in mind is you MUST eat to lose weight. So focus on portion control first. Second is hydration. Often times, we can mistake thirst as hunger, so we end up eating when we're really just thirsty. So drink water frequently, before meals, and with meals. You'll...
  12. D

    Do you want to see a time lapse video of the anti-big government march in...

    ...Washington DC today? What do you think?
  13. D

    Are wall street 'ups' green shoots or rich [from bailout] thieves? $23 T

    committed by Fed per TARP insp'r. CFR? doesn't want it audited.... but isn't that exactly what should be done to find where the money went and whether market ups mean anything? Why would Council on Foreign Relations' Foreign Affairs Journal say this: ""Congress' ire cuts across party lines...
  14. D

    Funny Democracy. Why is it that Americans don't trust the people they elect with

    There are institutional biases making that harder than it seems, but we are trying, some of us.
  15. D

    Lincoln was a Republican. Would today's Republicans have fought for Lincoln to

    We would have fought for freedom for the slaves. Not for supremacy of the federal government over the states, however, but definitely for civil liberties.
  16. D

    Is campaign slogan 4 banker PR against 'populist overreaction' 2 bailouts...

    ...'stop complaining abt being fleeced'? "Wall Street’s largest trade group has started a campaign to counter the “populist” backlash against bankers, enlisting two former aides to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to spearhead the...
  17. D

    Why does every con-servative not allow email or any contact? Because they

    I may not be in the 14th district of Texas, but Ron Paul represents me.
  18. D

    Would you support going back to a gold standard like we had before money was fiat?

    First we need gold and silver as competing currencies while we unwind the TRILLIONS the fed has just injected. We can't leave that out there to circulate with the massive inflation it will inflict once banks stop hoarding. Then, yes. Or any commodity standard if gold is too easily manipulated...
  19. D

    Would you support going back to a gold standard like we had before money was fiat?

    First we need gold and silver as competing currencies while we unwind the TRILLIONS the fed has just injected. We can't leave that out there to circulate with the massive inflation it will inflict once banks stop hoarding. Then, yes. Or any commodity standard if gold is too easily manipulated...
  20. D

    Is Joe Biden's prophecy about Obama being fulfilled before our eyes?

    That's a cop out. He's failing, and you call it 'being tested'. Whatever. THe north korean situation is a repetition of what happened under Bush etc. It isn't even new. The only thing new is Obama's call to dismantle our missile shield that protects us from those missiles.