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  1. J

    did the roger p95 get discontinued?

    i wont to get the 3015 model but no one has it in stock and I cant find it on there web site anymore dose no one have it in stock because it has 15 rounds I was looking at buds gun shop and they are out of all guns with 15 round Magazine
  2. J

    Verizon wireless Data plans?

    Its 30$ for each device but if u hurry there giving 4 gigs of data for the same price. There doing this cuz theres alot of people with iPhones hogging all the 3g bandwidth (in case u don't know the iPhone is NOT a 4g phone) so there giving u an extra 2 gigs for Android 4g phones to offset the...
  3. J

    Can I drink coffee and smoke cigarettes on prozac?

    Please, just a direct answer for anyone who knows. Will either coffee or cigarette usage affect the prozac I've recently started taking, and how so? I don't need a moral lesson on cigarettes, just an answer. Thank you.
  4. J

    how do I import posts from blogger to facebook?

    I know how to do it, but when I go through the procedure it doesn't work. I put the feed url in the import box in the notes application just like I'm supposed to but facebook keeps saying it can't find a feed. I know I set up the feed properly in blogger so I'm at a loss to explain this...
  5. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  6. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  7. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  8. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  9. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  10. J

    What Will You Do if Someone Gives You a Copy of Palin's Book?

    For the holidays? (Calm down Faux Noise culties! Christmas isn't the only holiday where people give presents.) Would you be insulted knowing they probably paid less than $5.00 for it?
  11. J

    After the reign of Obama, does anyone miss Bush?

    Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No. p.s.: How humiliating for you.
  12. J

    George Lincoln Rockwell coined the term "White Power." What was his motive for

    He was a wannabe Nazi. I'm glad he got shot.
  13. J

    Will PC run 360 games?

    I am forced to ask this after Microsoft (god forbid) decided to recall the first Gears Of War title. I can't get my hand on a copy...ANYWHERE, and I can't use a preowned copy for going on the internet either... Were there REALLY bugs in the original installment? or is Microsoft being money...
  14. J

    If i put a new gas filter on my jeep will it save me gas?

    If i put a new gas filter on my jeep will it save me gas we havn't put a gas filter on for 150k
  15. J

    What fruit goes good with green bell peppers!!?

  16. J

    This is a riddle, try to see if you can guess the part that is funny. the

    is the joke supposed to be a country girl has a "can of pee" under her bed. Thats all i can think of.
  17. J

    2009-2010 NBA Season Predictions?

    tell me why you think the thunder are going to make the playoffs? honest question
  18. J

    Anyone have an MP3 copy of Gypsy Girl by David Scobie? could you please send me

    the song? My email ID is [email protected] and another one is [email protected] and dont forget the dot before name, and you can add the hotmail name to msn messenger and send it to me via msn! thankyou to whoever sends me this song!
  19. J

    How much affect does human scent have on hunting?

    Just curious, I mean are all of those anti scent products just a hoax or are they ligit?
  20. J

    What are some of your predictions about "The Great Recession"?

    Niall Ferguson was first to coin the term "The Great Recession," and it is basically a euphemism for current economic situation. My predictions are: Dollar complete collapse Hyperinflation Gold at $5000+ an ounce Bankruptcy of GM, AIG and Bank of America Potientally war Rupture of the China and...