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  1. D

    I lost all gears in a 2000 bmw 323i?

    I have 2000 BMW 323, 5 speed Last night was in fith gear and out of nowhere i could not speed up , lost all the gears. I can move the shifter and it just feels like there is nothing there and came disconnected. Anybody that knows what it could be , thank you so much for the help
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    What is the best choice weapon for a cross country hike?

    I am getting out of the military, and when I get out I will be taking a trip from WA, to CA, to CO, to TX, to GA, to ME. It is going to take years, and through the course of this trip I will obviously need a weapon, as a good majority of the hike will be in the wilderness, and other sparsely...
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    Why can't Blair Waldorf forgive Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl?

    I used to watch Gossip Girl but I stopped for a while, the last time I saw it Chuck was still with Blair. I started watching it again (only the three newest ones so far) and Blair talked about how she can't forgive Chuck for what he did or something like that. What did he do?
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    Why can't Blair Waldorf forgive Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl?

    I used to watch Gossip Girl but I stopped for a while, the last time I saw it Chuck was still with Blair. I started watching it again (only the three newest ones so far) and Blair talked about how she can't forgive Chuck for what he did or something like that. What did he do?
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    Please, help with sci-fi story! Do you know the ranks for the navy bridge crew?

    you mean Space Captain on the space deck^
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    How would lincoln react to today's republican party?

    The 1860 Republicans were major sponsors of prohibition, a measure soundly opposed by liberals of the time. Also, among the first criticisms launched by the Democrats against the Republicans of 1860 was that they were "The Party of Big Business." Republicans of 1860 were considered "too...
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    ? Political Trivia ??

    (1) Which racist governor attempted to keep African American children out of Alabama's public schools in 1963? (2) Which political party did that racist Alabama governor belong to? (3) Which US President signed Title IX of the Civil Rights Act into law, forever banning racial discrimination in...
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    If people question the official government and media reports of 9/11, are they...

    I wouldn't use the phrase "conspiracy theorist." I would use the phrase "tinfoil hat wearing nutjob."
  9. D

    What's wrong with the Politics section?

    Nice rant.
  10. D

    Prosecution for Re-Broadcasting Hezbollah TV?

    Is anyone else bothered by the arrest and prosecution of Javed Iqbal in NYC for re-broadcasting Hezbollah TV? The US Gov't claims that Iqbal's re-broadcast of the Hezbollah news program provides aid to terrorists. Iqbal is not linked to terrorists, nor is he muslim. His only crime is...
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    I can't recieve my e-mail at

    Don't know what happened.. I have sent e-mail to myself and it didn't work.
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    How can I legally disown my father?

    I hate my father and I was wondering if it was possible to make sure I had no legal connections to him, and possibly take his name off of my birth certificate?
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    Why 160gb seagate ide hdd is showing only 32gb???

    Without knowing your OS. All I can say is check your hdd to see if you have unallocated space. That is usually the issue.
  14. D

    How is time travel to the past possible?

    Billruss is correct. This question belongs in fiction. After viewing Dr. Ronald Mallet's video, I'd say he has less than a firm grasp of the physical laws that he should understand as a physics professor. He appears to be a crackpot.
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    Is there a vaccine available against the spread of religion?

    Dude, you are so cool. The way you like make fun of things. Vaccine? Wow. I mean, you are saying christianity is a disease and you become dumb if you get it. You are one funny person. Never step, Dude. Never stop. You are the king. You must have a perfect 100 IQ to figure out a...
  16. D

    why is the gas prices going up?

    Liberals! Tree Hugging Hippy pacifist and their media, and Democrat coharts are most of the problem. They haven't let the country bill any new refineries since the sixties, and they have put a restiction on drilling. Too many blends also. If your state requires a certain blend do to...