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  1. R

    A question about the 'Shazam' app for iphone?

    i had an iphone 4s and the shazam app on it, i remember once when i was tagging a song, it found the song and then when i switched the phone to a horizontal position it had the lyrics spread across the screen, and as the song played, the words in the lyrics were highlighted, and it would scroll...
  2. R

    is this cool or what (only works in 2008)?

    holy shit i put that it was 215
  3. R

    Who has the better bike, Palin or Obama?

    wow usually u would see it the other way around.
  4. R

    a few more ~~!!!just laugh~~!!!?

    hey guess who. its me again. sorry about the other mean answers i gave you. instead of doing that im going to encourage u on posting more jokes from now on. more jokes. more jokes. more jokes. more jokes. ya ya ya ya ya .
  5. R

    whats my rating??? 1-10?

    whats the difference between a gun a and a wife?????? a gun has a silencer.
  6. R

    solve the riddle???

    the answer is "nothing"
  7. R

    very easy riddle.?

    my iq or when your high(smoking) . you know the saying "once you go high you never leave the sky"
  8. R

    Is the mailman stealing my movies?

    netflix always got our movies the mailmans jacking them. try to follow him and see if he puts them all
  9. R

    Name all the ones you know of disney stars?

    penny prouds father. (samuel L. jackson) lizzie mcguire. you know ill get back to you on this.
  10. R

    Chicken joke.......?

    is he a chicken