Search results

  1. M

    Break up now or wait until later?

    am leaving town for a month in May and I have been seeing this guy off and on for 5 months. We have been together a month now (for the second time). Everything has been going great but I told him that I may be gone longer then that....possibly the whole summer. I am worried that we may break up...
  2. M

    Do not want to lose my relationship due to summer trip?

    am leaving town for a month in May and I have been seeing this guy off and on for 5 months. We have been together a month now (for the second time). Everything has been going great but I told him that I may be gone longer then that....possibly the whole summer. I am worried that we may break up...
  3. M

    Does the ATT Quickfire have Instant Messaging?

    Any?? Thanks a bunch!
  4. M

    Does the LG Vu slide or flip open in any way?

    Does the LG Vu slide or flip open in any way?? I can't tell on any website I try!! lol.
  5. M

    Which is the best ATT phone?

    -Tilt -Quickfire -Samsung Eternity -Pantech Duo -LG Shine -Pantech Matrix -LG Vu I really REALLY want the Pantech Duo or the LG Vu. But which is best. Thanks a bunch!!
  6. M

    Can I have my text messages printed (hard copy) at a Sprint store?

    I'm taking someone to court over money they stole from me. I have incriminating text messages, and I need to have them printed out somehow to present to the court. It's a civil suit, so they WILL be accepted as evidence. Can I go to a Sprint store and request that they do this for me? I...
  7. M

    Are you looking for a good internet advertising company to advertise your business?

    Are you looking for a good internet advertising company to advertise your business? I might know a good internet advertising/marketing company that will advertise your business. If you have a business or restaurant that you want to be advertised or need better advertising for, let me know...
  8. M

    I just met 3 guys at the bar....?

    theyy are going to a music festival tomorrow and said i could come. I really want to go but its sold out, and one of them said they know the band. Its 2 hours away and the 2 guys from out of town have called me non stop since i saw them. I'm supposed to call in the morning to go.....should i...
  9. M

    my 7 month puppy gets really excited to see people?

    he nearly always has a little accident when they come into the house and although it is only a small amount we want him to stop this. any suggestions.
  10. M

    Which phone do you think is best out of the following: The Blackberry; I-Phone

    or Palm Centrino? I am thinking about getting one of these phones, but unsure which one to get.......any advice would be greatly appreciated! thank you :)