Search results

  1. M

    Do women not like humor?

    Girls will say "I like him because he's funny" but rarely do men say something like that. Usually it's more like, "I like her because she has big boobs." Not to overgeneralize, but men tend to like women based on physical attributes more. Maybe women subconsciously know this so they don't really...
  2. M

    is this a sign that im getting old (im 22)?

    maybe it means you're becoming a child molester
  3. M

    Break up now or wait until later?

    am leaving town for a month in May and I have been seeing this guy off and on for 5 months. We have been together a month now (for the second time). Everything has been going great but I told him that I may be gone longer then that....possibly the whole summer. I am worried that we may break up...
  4. M

    Do not want to lose my relationship due to summer trip?

    am leaving town for a month in May and I have been seeing this guy off and on for 5 months. We have been together a month now (for the second time). Everything has been going great but I told him that I may be gone longer then that....possibly the whole summer. I am worried that we may break up...
  5. M

    Does the ATT Quickfire have Instant Messaging?

    Any?? Thanks a bunch!
  6. M

    Does the LG Vu slide or flip open in any way?

    Does the LG Vu slide or flip open in any way?? I can't tell on any website I try!! lol.
  7. M

    Which is the best ATT phone?

    -Tilt -Quickfire -Samsung Eternity -Pantech Duo -LG Shine -Pantech Matrix -LG Vu I really REALLY want the Pantech Duo or the LG Vu. But which is best. Thanks a bunch!!
  8. M

    Why isn't my 1999 Jeep running smooth?

    it's a 99 jeep
  9. M

    What does Metrosexual mean?

    I think there isn't such a word.Its heterosexual.And that means straight
  10. M

    Taking highschool over the internet?

    thats not true....go to school
  11. M

    Can I have my text messages printed (hard copy) at a Sprint store?

    I'm taking someone to court over money they stole from me. I have incriminating text messages, and I need to have them printed out somehow to present to the court. It's a civil suit, so they WILL be accepted as evidence. Can I go to a Sprint store and request that they do this for me? I...
  12. M

    Are you looking for a good internet advertising company to advertise your business?

    Are you looking for a good internet advertising company to advertise your business? I might know a good internet advertising/marketing company that will advertise your business. If you have a business or restaurant that you want to be advertised or need better advertising for, let me know...
  13. M

    I just met 3 guys at the bar....?

    theyy are going to a music festival tomorrow and said i could come. I really want to go but its sold out, and one of them said they know the band. Its 2 hours away and the 2 guys from out of town have called me non stop since i saw them. I'm supposed to call in the morning to go.....should i...
  14. M

    my 7 month puppy gets really excited to see people?

    he nearly always has a little accident when they come into the house and although it is only a small amount we want him to stop this. any suggestions.
  15. M

    Do you complain on a Roller Coaster when the train take to long to get up the

    YES! I hate it because you spend like 5 hours in line to get on the roller coaster and then you have to wait even longer just to get up the hill to go....
  16. M

    Which phone do you think is best out of the following: The Blackberry; I-Phone

    or Palm Centrino? I am thinking about getting one of these phones, but unsure which one to get.......any advice would be greatly appreciated! thank you :)