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  1. StevieN

    Was America founded as a Christian Nation?

    Absolutely!! One Nation Under God
  2. StevieN

    How do we leave a piece of us with our kids - while we're on a 2 week Vacation?

    I think just what you have suggested is fine. You need to let them have some time with their grandparents and know that they will be okay. Relax and take the vacation and let the grandparents enjoy the tots.
  3. StevieN

    What is the deal with all the hatred and negativity being expressed on

    I think you hit the nail on the head. All the news out there is bad and people are getting frustrated. Hate their jobs, losing their money, house, car whatever. People just need to take a step back, look at what they do have and turn off the stupid news! It's like listening to the forecast...
  4. StevieN

    What would you do if you heard the girl next door screaming because her

    I would call 911 and then take down the license number of his vehicle. She needs help from someone. I would think you would want someone to call on your behalf if you were being beaten up?
  5. StevieN

    any ideas on how to ask my mom ... ? ?

    Mom! I would like to go the Winter Ball Dance. I know you don't like the friends I have now so I decided to go to the dance and find some new friends. Even though my old friends will be there I will make a great effort to expand my friendships and this would be a good time. I love you !!!!!
  6. StevieN

    purebred husky preg need answers..? help?

    now i no i will probably be abused by some for this but this was an accident.. my 9 month old pure bred husky was onheat and our neighbours across the road have a pure bred husky and they have play dates except not when on heat but he had jumped the fence one night and made it into our yar and...
  7. StevieN

    2009 Lincoln MKX? Is there gong to be one for 2009?

    I do not see a 2009 Lincoln MKX listed. Is this model discontinued?
  8. StevieN

    Mercedes ML350 and Unleaded gasoline?

    Can I use unleaded gasoline in the V6 without damaging anything? Ares: DUH! Now why would I put gasoline in a diesel engine? I guess I was asking about 87 octane instead of the higher fuel and how that would effect the performance. Anyone really know?
  9. StevieN

    automated phone message: collect call from a inmate?

    Don't bother. I think some inmates just try to reach someone in hopes that they can either get someone to talk to them or get money in some way. I get a few of those and it's kinda creepy but it's the luck of the draw. Don't return the call, there is nothing you can do but blow it off.
  10. StevieN

    Could this antique box be of any value?

    I would check out eBay and you can see the items that were already sold too.