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  1. D

    Where do you get your hunting ammo?

    I buy mine at the nearest Academy Sporting Goods. They have decent prices, a tremendous selection, and an entire aisle devoted to it.
  2. D

    Anyone know the answers to this bowhunting quiz?

    1- How old was Fred Bear when he made his first bow kill? (deer) 2- What year was it? 3- Now for the hard one- how many years did he bowhunt before killing his first deer? I just wanted to highlight how different it was back in the beginning when bowhunting was virtually unknown and even a...
  3. D

    Okay outdoors-men (and ladies), can you identify this bird?

    It has to be a Red Kite. Well, it don't have to be, but you know what I mean. Here is a photo of the Red Kite- see if this could be it.
  4. D

    Should I tell him I want to ?

    No one would really say that.
  5. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  6. D

    Should I tell him I want to ?

    No one would really say that.
  7. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  8. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  9. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  10. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  11. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  12. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  13. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  14. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  15. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  16. D

    Has Cap & Trade worked ANYWHERE it has been tried?? What about "green energy"?

    This is proof that's it's a failure and a scam. "The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed."
  17. D

    Does anyone know what song that is at the beginning of Season 2 episode 1 on The

    Best Years? You know, the one that's playing during the clip of Sam and Rich hanging out in Panama that's kind of Jamaican sounding? Ring any bells?
  18. D

    I am interested in learning how to hunt.?

    Here is the best thing you can do. Get someone that hunts that lives close to you, and get them to mentor you on all the different aspects of hunting.This would be the most effective means of learning.And perhaps they will even take you on a few hunts.A hunter will generally share his knowledge...
  19. D

    I am interested in learning how to hunt.?

    Here is the best thing you can do. Get someone that hunts that lives close to you, and get them to mentor you on all the different aspects of hunting.This would be the most effective means of learning.And perhaps they will even take you on a few hunts.A hunter will generally share his knowledge...