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    IT Guy puzzled about a DVD drive.?

    sounds more like the dvd drive has failed and will need replaced
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    are bit torrents illegal?

    using torrents themselves is not illegal, it is what some people download that is illegal but to download linux is perfectly legal, it is only illegal if you are breaking any laws and to download linux you are not breaking any laws, it is one of the ways linux is distributed
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    How can I use WIn7 to copy a system image to a DVD?

    there will be a program on the new pc to make a set of recovery discs, all you need is a couple of blank dvds to make the recovery discs, look in the programs list for something that says recovery media maker or something similar, there may be a folder called the brand of the pc, it may be in...
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    Is there such thing as a SAFE torrent to use to download Sims 2 ?

    there is no such thing as a totally safe torrent file as you have no way of knowing if someone has tampered with the file before you download it and by then if it has been tampered with it is too late, also it is copyright infringement to download copywritten files and programs for free
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    how do i burn iso images to a dvd for free?

    i think the programs infrarecorder and imgburn do iso images and they are both free
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    what do you think now time warner internet and verizon are blocking torrent sites?

    i blame the people that continually steal copywritten products, if they didnt keep stealing stuff they would not have to block the sites
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    install programs over bluetooth?

    if you have the disc just copy the disc to a flash drive and transfer the installation to his pc so he can install it
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    Divx problem?????????????

    you should try using vlc player, it plays all formats and usually does not give any problems unlike divx
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    If a laptop has a "DVD Rom" can it burn dvds?

    dvd rom means it can only read dvds, not write to them so no it cant, from what i can read the acer has different options, some have dvd-rw which can write to dvd and some dont
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    How to get Bluetooth options listed under Control Panel?

    the last bluetooth dongle i had came with a software and driver disc, i ran the disc first and plugged in the dongle when it said to do so if this helps, did it come with a disc
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    How to use a windows 7 dvd on multiple computers?

    sorry but no you cant, the product key can only be used on one pc so basically its one copy of win7 for one pc
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    just curious are all of the torrent sites illegal?

    the actual sites are not illegal, it is what you do on the sites that can be illegal such as downloading copywrited material, there are loads of perfectly legal files that can be downloaded as well
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    How am I supposed to reinstall windows 7 or windows vista when my netbook

    you need to buy an external dvd/rw or a bootable usb flash drive or sd card
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    is 56k modem good for 1 mbps or higher internet speed?

    56k modems are for dial up only , you will need to get a dsl modem or modem/router for broadband (dsl)
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    is 56k modem good for 1 mbps or higher internet speed?

    56k modems are for dial up only , you will need to get a dsl modem or modem/router for broadband (dsl)
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    how to fix internet problem?

    it looks like you have a browser hijacker. download malwarebytes anti malware and update it and run a scan, it should pick up anything thats there
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    How to switch internet service?

    why not call comcast and ask will they lower the monthly fee, i did this with my provider and they did because they were afraid of me leaving them and changing to another isp
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    how can i download bluetooth software?

    you will also need a bluetooth dongle, it will have the software with it on disc, why not use the memory card to transfer the files
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    Internet not working after computer restore?

    you need to install all the drivers for your pc to get the connection running
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    What can i use to plug up my laptop in the car?

    you need to get yourself a power inverter, it gives you mains power in the car to charge the laptop, it plugs into the cigarette lighter and you then plug the laptops charger into it to charge it up