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    Physics boat project report! PLEASE HELP ME?

    I can see why he asked those questions. a 3' x 2' boat will have serious stability problems.
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    roger wants to invest $400 in savings certicates that bear an interest of 9.75%?

    $400 x 1.0975^ n =$5000 Find n
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    What's the easiest way to power a stereo outdoors for 2 hours a day? Battery,

    A stereo doesn't draw much. A rechargable battery/inverter inverter unit would probably be cheapest if you plan to do a lot of it, long term. 'Trouble is' batteries are expensive. A good battery, properly sized, will last a very long time and not suffer damage if left on a 'smart' battery...
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    Is it legal to hunt pests in towns?

    Careful. Where in Colorado? (Used to be one of my favorite places until the 'BMWs & Beansprouts' crowd arrived. Those will include PETA types who just can't bear 'hurting cute little animals', pests or not.) In a town you are likely to be discharge of weapons laws that these types will want...
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    Why does the supply voltage in my mobile drop when I plug in the charger?

    It's quite possible that plugging in the charger puts a resistor into the circuit to protect the meter from charging current.
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    Are there still people in this world hunting magnificent animals for medical reasons?

    Yup. BIG oriental market in Bear bile and Rhino horn.
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    What was the proper way to exit a landing boat in an amphibious assault during...

    Run out and scatter. Tight groups are great machine gun targets.
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    smoke coming out of vents and burning smell?

    Sounds like a wiring fault, ('cooked insulation). Check for any electrical problems.
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    How do I avoid burn from coal tar pitch?

    'Tearing off' isn't too bad. Most of the toxins are vaporized off.
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    Why dont Native Americans, Irish Americans, and Japanese Americans complain much

    Because they've managed to 'move on' from them.
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    why do women get offend when you ask them to cook something?

    It's work isn't it? Maybe they'd be glad to cook for God, but not you.
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    What Can I Use For A Engine To Put In A Mini Chopper Bike?

    The biggest one that will fit, and for which you can fabricate mounts to line it up with your rear sprocket. Then you get to bend pipes and mess with a wiring harness.
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    What is the best brand of sport bike for me? and a lot more questions?

    You might want to re-think that. All-weather riding gets old real fast in the north-east. 70-80 can be fun for short trips on a 'naked bike' but the buffetting will really wear you down on longer trips. You'd want something with hard cases, a back rack, and a fairing, if you want to try it...
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    Why are bears hunted?

    Meat: Strong flavor, an aquired taste. Population control: Bears may be visually appealing, but not too safe to be around. This is a solitary oportunistic omnivore. They're not 'wired' for social interaction, and this renders them more dangerous than most animals. They have learned to fear man...
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    what would you think of me if i drove this car? (PICTURE INCLUDED)?

    16 and that one of two cars; "Spoiled little b*st*rd".
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    what would you think of me if i drove this car? (PICTURE INCLUDED)?

    16 and that one of two cars; "Spoiled little b*st*rd".
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    i have some questions about converting to judaism?

    As Jerry Lewis told Sammy Davis Jr. "You don't have enough troubles? - You want to be jewish too?"
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    Does loud music on my car stereo affect my MPG?

    Yup, but not by much. - 746W = 1 HP. Whatever your Amp. draws is load on your engine and effects mileage.
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    Rotten egg smell;don't have natural gas. Strong smell by vent in our

    check for: * no water in the 'u' trap for the condensate drain. Add some, (a few drops of oil on top will keep it from evaporating away again). * something died in the ductwork. Take it out.
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    Is it okay to target agents who don't live in your state?

    The most effective agents will be those with direct access to the publishers you wish to target. Read and understand any agreement you sign.