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  1. C

    Why Is My Ex Keeping Me As A Contact, But Not Talking To Me?

    you should be talking to her about this not us
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    Do you know any good books that helpafter a bad breakup?

    read a few romance novels they will make you realise your boyfriend was nothing like them
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    free ringtones websites?????

    i use and create my own ringtones using the songs i have on my computer yes it's free
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    what are some good ringtones?

    well idk what kind of music you like country, rap, 80's songs usually my ringtone is something i like so i wouldn't ask other people for suggestions
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    I have some questions on Judaism !! please help me !!?

    4. synagogue 5. yom kippur - fast till sundown passover, hannukah, ect. ect
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    Can someone please give me tips about travelling on an airplane for the first...

    hey thats pretty cool i was 14 when i went on a plane for the first time and i was by myself i went from ny to cali though. you just need to breathe relax and know that everything will be okay. because it will. bring an ipod or something to listen to and you will be there before you know it
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    How do I switch my Sprint sevice to my Verizon cell phone?

    switch to the verizon service it's much better
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    need very romantic anime?

    papa to kiss in the dark
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    Would You Rather Quiz!?

    you ask strange questions
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    what are the best Manga series to watch?

    you mean anime and dn angel is the best
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    Traveling to America?

    <3 america
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    Which colors should I pick up for my kitchen, bedroom doors and walls?

    some neutral color like a form of beige or nothing to loud would look nice
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    going to meet boyfriends parents?

    allright so i go to college im 18 (freshmen) and my bf is 21 (senior) over break he came to my house so now im going to his to hang out and meet his parents and brother ect--advice? helpp
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    Would I be wrong in asking my boyfriend to be tested for STD's?

    you shouldnt take him back if you think he has std's
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    Would I be wrong in asking my boyfriend to be tested for STD's?

    you shouldnt take him back if you think he has std's
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    celebrity doll?????????????????????

    is there anywhere i can pay someone to make a celebrity doll of sarah chalke? the girl from scrubs. i think it would make a halirious christmas gift for my boyfriend- any ideas?
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    Are the Hurricanes Striking the US God's punishment because the Republicans do not

    first of all there is no god second im republican and i believe in global warming
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    Are the Hurricanes Striking the US God's punishment because the Republicans do not

    first of all there is no god second im republican and i believe in global warming