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    Should Christians be burned alive by Nigerian Muslims?

    biast and racist quesion, gnna be reported
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    What makes a person argue black is white?

    People have human characteristics. They demonstrate those characteristics in different ways, and sometimes do so to contradict other humans solely for purpose of contradiction. We cannot change human behavior, the best we can do is focus on our own behavior and lead a sensible existence.
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    Why can't relationships be as easy as riding a bicycle?

    You can fall off a bike and get hurt. Someone can steal your bike. You bike can break while you're riding it. The seat will eventually start to smell. Just like some relationships.
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    Is this sexual harassment?

    If he said that to the girl in a work enviorment and she told him to stop saying it and he kept saying it - it would be sexual harassment.
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    What is the best tourist attraction to see at Washington DC?

    I am going to DC for a conference and only have 1/2 day for sight seeing (not counting after 5 pm). This is not my first time to DC and have seen the: - White House - Congress - The Holocaust Museum - National Zoo - National Museum of American History - National Air and Space Museum - Most of...
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    double tint on my honda civic windows?

    I currently have 15% tint on my car all the way around and I'm putting a layer of 5% on top of it. My question is, what is the chance that the tint I'm applying will crease or bubble since it's being applied on top of the 15% tint? Thanks for all the feedback!!!!!
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    What does it that I have free reciprocal use at planet fitness?

    It says if i get one of the subscriptions I get 10 reciprocal uses free and then I have to pay for it but I don't know what that means/
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    Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, It's Quiz Time!?

    i stoped reading after the first word
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    Could you use nokia mobile phone hands-free set as headphones for a laptop?

    Hello! I have a hands-free set for a Nokia 6555 mobile phone and I would like to use it for my laptop as normal headphones. Could I make it work with a jack tip adapter?
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    Why do conservatives hate labor unions when they are a natural extension of the

    Labor unions ruin companies and force them to move their production overseas.
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    can i down load bluetooth software to my laptop?

    you need a Bluetooth radio, which are now, very small usb devices that you don't even have to remove. you can even buy them at walmart: iogear has a really nice one which i use myself
  12. B

    can i down load bluetooth software to my laptop?

    you need a Bluetooth radio, which are now, very small usb devices that you don't even have to remove. you can even buy them at walmart: iogear has a really nice one which i use myself
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    can i down load bluetooth software to my laptop?

    you need a Bluetooth radio, which are now, very small usb devices that you don't even have to remove. you can even buy them at walmart: iogear has a really nice one which i use myself
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    recipe book for dairy & meat free meals?

    I am looking for a recipe book for lactose/dairy free foods & also vegetarian food. Can anyone give me some ideas?
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    Do people whining about the health-care bill being "unconstitutional" think

    What does mandating that a person has to have health insurance have to do with corporations?
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    I need help in to kill a mockinbird book! :/?

    1. about Racist, how was the town so racist? 2. Atticus stays in front of Tom jail to protuces him from the Cunninham, why was he so brave to do that ? 3.How did Atticus tells other that tom robinson was the good guy and why did Miss Mayella won?
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    What is a good Mobile Broadband Internet deal?

    I want a prepaid deal where credit never expires. Is this possible? I know that for Mobiles you can get Savvytell, but is there anything like this for wireless internet?
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    What's the best martial arts to get your aggression or anger out? Besides boxing.?

    Bros, if you have anger issues do not enter the ring or join any martial art - You will be the one that gets hurt. The ring isn't the place to take out your aggression. Some days my aggression and temper helps me in sparring but most times not. I'm sucking wind when I'm pissed off. The days...
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    What types of Martial Arts are out there?

    There are many types but ones I'm familiar with are: Muay-Thai and BJJ Muay-Thai the art of 8 limbs is a devastating stand-up style martial art. It focuses heavily on conditioning, conditoning and conditoning some more. Think boxing then add kicks, elbows and knees. The style is very...
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    A riddle? Help anyone?
