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    Kids Birthday Greeting?

    My niece is turning 7 in a couple of weeks. I've been looking online for a birthday greeting for her (to be aired on a local tv channel) but I can't seem to find anything. Do you have any ideas? Or even know of a website where I can find something. I'm just looking for 4 or 5 lines.
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    Where are some funny places to streak at?

    The mall The movies College campus A football game A baseball game :)
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    Can the new Pokemon game--Heart Gold and Soul Silver play on the Nintendo Ds Lite?

    I have a Ds Lite, and I want to purchase Soul Silver, or Heart Gold when they come out in the United States. Can the new pokemon games can be played on the nintendo Ds lite? Or will i have to buy a Nintendo DSI?
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    High Platelets, Neutrophils and low lymphocytes?

    May 2008 high platlets 395 June 2008 high platelets 474 October 2008 465 high neutrophils all three times slightly low lymphocytes all three times I know they are not excessively high however they have been consistently high is that a problem?
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    Broken trust because of an infection?

    You said schizophrenia right? That is a big mental issue!! If you want to lose family and friends because of a sinus infection you are mental!
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    possible diseases from giving a bj?

    I would go to the doctor asap. Infections just don't pass, u need an antibiotic.
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    Wat to do if ur the reason parents have to point"thats ur daughter" ?

    Sounds like your parents aren't very happy and they are looking for someone to blame. You! Probably nothing you can do as long as they are still together. Good luck!
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    how do i delete my big fish game account?

    how do i delete my bigfish game account because i have been suspened and i cant even sign up in a new name someone please help me
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    Why did Cassius conspire to kill Julius Caesar? ?

    It was definitely B. I learned about this last year.
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    What should we buy:Land Rover LR3 HSE or Audi Allroad?

    none you should buy the
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    Female cycle question?

    I am have been on a 45 day cycle for like 3 years. This year has been the same, until now. My last period was on April 18, I was supposed to start 32 days ago and I am on day 8o something now without a period. I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks ago and It was negative. I don't feel pregnant at...
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    question about the lg rumor phone?

    When you text someone, in the one area, it shows the last person you text, with the time and day, is there any way to get rid of this, so people wont know that last time I text someone