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  1. R

    How much damage would a Hershey Special Dark 4.25oz candy bar do to a...

    ...daschound/beagle mix 2 and a half dog? my sis left a candy bar out and somehow the dog decided to rip it apart and eat the entire thing. she also got into some trash that was on the dining room table (She is a little genius when it comes to getting on top of things lol) She has gotten into...
  2. R

    Thinking of taking cruise...looking for details.. need friendly advice.?

    My fiance and I would like to take a family cruise. It would just be my son who is four, my fiance and I. I've never been on a cruise or planned one. If anyone has please give me an estimate of cost and any advice on beautiful places or even key factors to search for and what to maybe look out...
  3. R

    In Japanese... Do I introduce myself by first name or last name?

    You'd be expected to introduce yourself with your given name then your surname.
  4. R

    Why am I being signed out of chat saying I'm on somewhere else?

    If you have you email open 2 times at the same two tabs...they will take that as if you were 2 people signed on at the same it will kick you off one of them! Check that and see if thats your problem~Rachel
  5. R

    What do you do about sexual tension? Cute, quirky, funny, girl but works FOR me!

    I'd say be cautious, ask her to go out as friends and only give her romantic signals if she seems to be into you. Gotta be careful not to give her unwanted attention.
  6. R

    Should I switch from Cable to DirecTV?

    Cable is way more expensive. I had DirecTV and really liked it, we had a couple problems but the tech came right out and fixed it. We have Dish Network now and I can't stand it, I would go with DirecTV. Any company you go with has customers that have had problems, but I have had less with...
  7. R

    I think i am depressed I need your help?

    I think i am depressed. I was thin until about the 4th grade.Then i started gaining weight for no reason.My parents both weighed over 400 pound. My mum started taking me to a therapist when i was in the 4th grade. I have been to two so far. I quite after 2 sessions with each because i do not...
  8. R

    What exactly happened to Alice before she met the Cullen family?

    Instead of skimming through the book, I thought I'd ask instead, break it down for me, please. Thanks.
  9. R

    IPHONE help help help help?

    my iphone library is on my laptop but its broke. just got a cd tho which i really need to get on my iphone but how do i do this? ive borrowed my brothers laptop which has itunes on it but also has his library on it. when i put the cd in the com it asks me if i want to transfer songs to library...
  10. R

    How are cheetahs hunted?

    Alot of time hunters have people that live in the areas keep an eye out for the cheetahs. If they spot one then they would call the hunter,he would fly in and track down the animal. It is very easy to do during mating season because the male and females are in heat and it would be easy to hear...
  11. R

    is there any wallpaper web sites like celebrities.hub?

    I am trying to find a website that is like that website but with more female actors on it and that can be viewed useing my blackberry pearl
  12. R

    How can I make my tennis serves more consistent?

    Whenever I serve, it either gets out, or I hit it too hard and it goes past the box. My question is how do I make the ball land in the middle of the service box? (I think that's whats its called, sorry i'm a beginner) What am I doing wrong?
  13. R

    Where were the main areas of witch hunts?

    School project on witches from 15th - 17th centuries. Do you know anything cause I'm stuck. Its due Monday 23rd Feb. Helppp!
  14. R

    where can i find some graphs of polar corridinates on the internet?

    like i'm having trouble with r=6sin4(theta) and it would be helpful if i could see it.
  15. R

    ANYONE know about VW bus campers?

    My distant relative passed and I know that she paid 16000 when she bought it, but her son wants to get rid of everything so hes going to give it to whoever will take it. He contacted me. So its like, a free car for me here. He said it has a new engine and runs on deisel. its also been chopped...
  16. R

    Anonymous Phone Number?

    Anyone know of a way to get a second phone line for your cell phone? I do a lot of the social network dating sites, eharmony, and match, but I want something i can use across the board. Same with Craigslist. I saw which i've been testing. Any others?
  17. R

    Puppy Emergency! Help!?

    good a lot of water get germs out of his system with water have him eat a little
  18. R

    what should we do to save the planet?

    idk, are world needs fixed but how:(
  19. R

    I am thinking of a number between 1-infinity. What number am i thinking of ?

    which ever one you feel like thinking of hahaha