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    What is the best app to transfer photos via bluetooth from an Android to an Ipad?

    I have an iPad 1 and a Samsung Galaxy S2. I'm going to Europe in April 2013 and want to use my ipad as a travel journal. However - my ipad has no camera, so my question to you, is what is the best app for me to Bluetooth Photos (with no internet connection) from my Android phone to my Ipad 1...
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    How do i backup and wipe my mac?

    so i bought an extrenal hardrive. ive backed up the whole thing. now, can i wipe my whole mac and rest assured that all my files will be recoverable on the external hardrive? if yes, how do i do that? also, can i wipe everything but music?? and how? thanks. will chose best asnwer :D uh, no...
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    When it comes to who God is and how one gets to heaven, Can Christianity,

    well i hope i can somewhat answer your questions. for one if you are jewish by faith they do not believe that God has come to earth yet like muslims and Christians do. a major flaw, in my opinion with the muslim faith is that they believe that God or Jesus was a profit, but according to them...
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    What tmobile phone has the best browsing thats NOT a smartphone?

    Im looking to downgrade from my G1, but i still would like a phone that has nice browsing. Any suggestions?
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    2005 Dodge Neon SE Check Engine Light on?

    My 2005 Dodge neon is at 84000 miles within the last few months the check engine light comes on periodically and the engine will jerk and not want to accelerate at lower speeds. At first it would stop after I got to 30mph or turned the engine off and back on. I had it looked at but by the time I...
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    DrEAM about him, I just want to know what it means, nothing else?

    it appears to me that you like him (if you didn't know that already). It's a type of intimacy that doesn't care about the people around or their feeling. bewre
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    when is UFC on television, i want towatch it so badly, i have foxtel?

    i want to watch it please, when is it on, what channel thanks
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    Wanting to get a AT&T GoPhone LG Neon GT365?

    I really wanna get this phone but Ive been researching online and noticed many bad reviews but many of the reviews seemed to be on a different style of the Neon. Should I get this phone or not? Anyone have one, Let me know what you think about it overall?
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    what does the korean name Choi/ HYE YOON mean ?

    what does the name mean ? hye yoon ? or hye youn maybe..
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    what does the korean name Choi/ HYE YOON mean ?

    what does the name mean ? hye yoon ? or hye youn maybe..
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    My name is vahida. My date of birth is 02.01.1977. tell me about my future

    Both of you will eventually get married and you'll be able to help him solve his problems.Love is stronger than anything so both of you will have a happy life together as long as both of you are willing to sacrifice and endure things that get into your lives.
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    Do you think there are a lot of bisexual people out there?

    there are tons i used to be bi but now im lesbian all the way
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    how do i print(not addresses) on envelopes?

    Hi! i need to print and advertisement on 50 envelopes.. but not the address or the return address.. it just needs to go on the left side of the envelope going diagonal...How do i do this??!!! help
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    I have these red pimples on my stomach?

    I have these red pimples on on my stomach. They sorta itch but not like horribly. I've had the chicken poz b4 so its not that. I had before on my thighs when i shave but it was one like 1 and i went to a dentist appointment the other day so could i have been allergic to the latex or nickel they...
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    he's not picking up the phone..a silent break up?

    Since I can only meet my bf in June,which is still months away since I have to attend some kind of camp,I call and text him everyday.Everything went well but since a week ago he won't pick up my call and won't even go online. I don't know what really happen to us.he's always been very happy...
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    Guys,he's not picking up the phone,should I continue sending this?

    My bf has not been picking up the phone for a week.I have no idea what's happening to him. I used to send him sweet quotes everyday or just a simple I love you text messages everyday.But since he didn't pick up the call I stop sending it.Should I still sending it?He used to say that he loved my...
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    Nissan Skyline R33 RB25DET keeps stalling and killing my battery PLEASE HELP!!!?

    i own an 1993 R33 Auto Sedan Turbo and am constantly having problems. First the timing belt slipped, it was readjusted and ran fine for over 12mths. A month ago it slipped again and bent a valve. So i replaced the motor. It purred like a kitten for a week. Then in traffic one afternoon after...
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    I want to meet up with a girl i met on the internet, but do not know how...

    Ask your parents this :"Can i go to visit malls with ( put your best friend's name) on a place where i have to take an hour train" I really suggest you bring at least one friend with you. Or let your parents see her when you two do webcam or let your parents talk to her on phone if she finds it...
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    This is driving me crazy...?

    So my bf and i had sex for the first time two weeks ago...we were both virgins and it was amazing. We did it once then did it twice the next day. We haven't been able to be alone long enough since then to do it (its complicated...) but the desire for sex is driving me crazy...I don't know what...