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  1. M

    How does your religion impact the way you live your life?

    It is all consuming, a basic guideline for living, or a moral compass for you? Or is it simply a label you feel has been placed on you?
  2. M

    Muslims: what makes your religion so different to every other religion?

    The lack of polytheism and forbidding of idols stands out most to me. I don't care how you word the Trinity, it's multifaceted and easily construed as polytheistic. Islam is the ONLY religion I have encountered where Allah is the one and only God, with no equals of any sort. It's the ONLY...
  3. M

    Culture vs. Religion: Many people don't know the difference. What...

    ...misconceptions do you try to clarify...? to those who are confused about the differences?
  4. M

    Is my God also everyone else's, regardless of religion?

    I believe that, but not everyone does.
  5. M

    Which celebrity are you tired of hearing about?

    For me is Angelina Jolie and her baby issues.
  6. M

    Reverts.....what was your religion (or not) before you became a Muslim?

    I wasn't really anything. I'd studied Christianity for several years but didn't agree with it. I was an atheist before that.
  7. M

    She made love with, but left her name tag in my truck and my wife has it now?

    If that's the truth, then tell her that. Your friend should be more respectful than to do that in your truck. Good luck. She may never believe you.
  8. M

    Medtronic pump users: Are you using the new One Touch Ultralink meter yet?

    Do you like it? I have mine but I am just waiting on strips to come via mail order. A friend of mine is using it and LOVES it! She said it has many great functions on it.