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  1. J

    Which is better mcdonalds, zaxbys, wendys, or taco bell?

    You two sound very exciting and a little overweight.
  2. J

    Old tacos from taco bell?

    You can't leave meat out that long and still have it be healthy for you. You will get sick.
  3. J

    I am a taxi driver - people keep complaining about the smell inside my taxi and

    Tell them you sound too much time on yahoo answers trying to insult Indians
  4. J

    Where can I find a recording of Donald H. White's Introduction and Allegro?

    I cannot seem to find a recording of this piece anywhere. I am conducting it for a class and I would like to be able to get it in my ear but cannot find a recording.
  5. J

    How can I go to a fashion show?

    Do you have an adult friend like an aunt or a cousin who will go with you? They probably wouldn't stop you if you went by yourself, just tell them "My mom's already in there." or "My sister's doing makeup in the show"
  6. J

    Trivia for old people please help who is jeff spiccoli what is a Fonzi and?

    What is the show Married With Children? I need it for History class I am doing an in front of class presentation.
  7. J

    Is it possible to find out where your phone last recieved service from /?

    The phone company defnitely knows and turn if off so theycan't run up your bill.;_ylt=Au3vtFq.N1dQ928ZX.SL7aLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090410045732AAUb5xf
  8. J

    I was trying to show my grandpa how cool my Iphone is, and how it gives you the

    weather- he said "If I want to? know the weather, I can just step out on the balcony" and he stepped out and fell down one story. In the ambulance I went with him, and I told him it was partly cloudy. Was that wrong, my sister says it was dumb to say that, he didn't care by then.
  9. J

    how do you think of our relationship?

    HOW do I think of it? With my brain.
  10. J

    what is the comedians name?

    You don't have to say he's a white guy. We assume he's a white guy. White is normal. Only say the color if it's not white.
  11. J

    My mum's depressed... BARBEQUE!?

    What is a "mum" and how does a barbeque cheer anyone up!
  12. J

    Say you met a guy/girl that you liked, who was nice to you and you got along well

    It'd be hard to walk around with them.
  13. J

    What are some of the more commonly found exotic pets?

    Ive been looking for another pet and decided I want another exotic pet, Ive had chinchillas, a raccoon, many high percentage wolf hybrids, and an iguana. Im stuck on either getting a boa or an exotic mammal. I know the two shouldnt mix but I would choose one or the other. I was looking at...
  14. J

    How do I know what religion I am?

    What's a "mum"? THIS IS AMERICA!
  15. J

    Is it ok to change our surname because there is no blood link. It is that of my

    husbabnds stepfather.? My surname is that of my husband's stepfather. I want to change it firstly because there is no bloodline there we are carrying on a legacy that is not ours and secondly because I really don't like what his family represents and I don't want to be associated with it. They...
  16. J

    Does anyone know whatever happened to the Florida 6 (videotaped beating)...

    ...girls? And why is Drew Peterson still? free??
  17. J

    I was showing my grandfather how the Iphone can do stuff like the weather, and...

    ...he said if I want to know the? weather, I'll step out on the porch, and he opened the door to the porch, took one wrong step and fell down 3 stories. I rode with him in the ambulance and he was groaning and I said it was partly cloudy, was I wrong or right. Oh, I'm sorry, Daluci- you can't...