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  1. C

    I've been making a lot of trips to the bathroom?

    I've been peeing a lot more than I usually do, sometimes I go to the bathroom with my bladder full, and 5 minutes later I have to go again and urinate just as much. Even when this doesn't happen, I go about every 45 minutes to an hour and my bladder is always full. This has happened in the past...
  2. C

    Limewire and Itunes issues?

    I have over 200 songs from limewire that is connected with my Itunes. Well now, my songs i try to download won't go to my ipod. They download on Limwire and everything but it won't transfer to Itunes. Does anybody else have this problem? If so please help! Thanks(:
  3. C

    Five bells painting. john olsen?

    in what way does he apply the paint? what surface appareance does this create? what effect does this have on the artwork? where is this best seen or shown in the work?
  4. C

    which should i get? 2007 mustang, 2001 porsche boxter?

    the parentals will get me either.. but which one.. hmm
  5. C

    riddle 3 ten points up for grabs?

    there are 10 single numbers and 1 two digit number that is 10 so its saying how many single digits there is and they are between 0-10 and they are in alhabetical order e f f n o s s t t t z =8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0
  6. C

    how to create a good superstar in madden 09 for wii.?

    which points should i add for on one of these positions cb rb qb ss fs lb mlb wr
  7. C

    Which is make is better? Dodge or Ford?

    dodge cause every ford i have owned broke down on me
  8. C

    How can I add the month/date to my itinerary in MS Streets & Trips 2006 Essentials?

    How can I add the month/date to my itinerary in MS Streets & Trips 2006 Essentials? My itinerary when I set it up, gives me the times along the left side, but nowhere can I find a place to have it include the month or date or day of the planned trip. Any idea how this can be included in the day...
  9. C

    Nokia Cellphone version 3555?

    Ok. Well I set a security code on my cellphone, Nokia 3555 and I don't remember it. We've tried everything. Took out the SIM Card, removed the battery and we can't get it out. I've tried everything I could of made it and none of them work. Does anyone know how to reset them or anything? It would...
  10. C

    Ringtones on the Motorola Hint?

    edit: if there are websites out there that sends the rintone directly to your phone inbox, please tell me them! :] I have a Motorola hint. I was using myxer to get ringtones on my old phone, but on my new motorola hint it wont give me an option to save the sound? I can only hear it. Is there...
  11. C

    Problem with rumor ringtones?

    you need to go to "my content" then "ringers" and under where it says "get new" and "my content manager" should be the ringers you just bought.
  12. C

    Problem with rumor ringtones?

    you need to go to "my content" then "ringers" and under where it says "get new" and "my content manager" should be the ringers you just bought.
  13. C

    What helped map 98% of Venus's surface?

    I have a question on a paper that asks that and I don't think that it os Venera 9. Please help?
  14. C

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occ?

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occpied then another adult wanting to travel in the vehicle can without getting a fine ( providing its an adult with no seat belt on) Is this true??
  15. C

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occ?

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occpied then another adult wanting to travel in the vehicle can without getting a fine ( providing its an adult with no seat belt on) Is this true??
  16. C

    I think I may be bisexual, but I'm not sure...?

    My best friend is gay, and we've been in sort of a relationship for about two years. I was sure I was straight, but when she told me, I felt pressured to feel the same way. But now I've matured and am really wondering if I'm bisexual. My friend isn't out yet, and our relationship is getting...
  17. C

    Anybody out there that might know who sings a chorus "tryin to get a Cadillac a

    house and some wives?" Its Rap? anybody knows who might rap a chorus like that: "tryin to get a cadillac, a house and some wives". i heard it only in new orleans and i think its some independent artist, but who is it i have no clue... if u know, please let me know!
  18. C

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occ?

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occpied then another adult wanting to travel in the vehicle can without getting a fine ( providing its an adult with no seat belt on) Is this true??
  19. C

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occ?

    I was told that when riding in ever vehicle If all the seatbelts are being occpied then another adult wanting to travel in the vehicle can without getting a fine ( providing its an adult with no seat belt on) Is this true??
  20. C

    how to advertise my internet business with no money?

    i would say just send emails to people about it and then have them send to there friends and family then eventually it will get around hpoe that helps