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    I can't get all the cable channels on my new lg tv.?

    You may contact the cable company or try using the menu on the LG tv to search for the channels
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    Which religion do you believe?

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    Has Jim Henson's Storyteller series ever had a dvd release?

    I think it is also on Netflix
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    Where can I borrow/get old Marvel comics like Batman from the 1970s?

    Some comic shops sell them for a dollar. try Craigslist in your area.
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    why do lesbians aren't mentioned in the Bible?

    It mentioned in Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
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    Has government mind control created successive generations of idiots?

    Yes, they have. Imagine a day without government. What would people do without someone running their lives?
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    How can I write a book without my mom finding it?

    use a usb drive and keep it in your pocket
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    POLL/SURVEY: Do you think Cats and Dogs would be happier off without Humans,...

    Although it is possible but cats need to dominate humans as slaves to get their food, scratch their belly, etc. etc. Cats need lower life forms for world domination. it is the natural order of things.
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    Feral Kitten spitting?

    cats relate to smell. Even at 7 weeks they may hiss or spit. It takes time but cat will get used to your scent. Hod more and pet more.
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    What site should I go if I want to read books online for free?
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    So can u play all your DVDs in a blue-ray player?

    Yes most dvd's work. I have found blue ray is slower to load
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    I have an easy riddle?

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    Would the military try to get a hold on Jesus Christ if he were do return?

    Every knee shall bow and every tonge confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
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    Is it ok to laugh at people who are not funny but try to be?

    Yes, you are obligated.
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    Is it ok to laugh at people who are not funny but try to be?

    Yes, you are obligated.
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    I think my cat has a cold?

    Try limes