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  1. H

    Who's hotter? Hercules, Iolaus or Ares?

    TEAM Hercules!!!
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    Girls vs Guys questions?

    I'm about to play a game with a bunch of friends and I need questions to ask.It's called Girls vs Guys.It's a game where you ask the other sex a question then they can do the same.What are some good questions to ask the guys?
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    What one would be more interesting?

    Which topic would be more interesting to hear about when listening to a persuasive speech: saving rain forests or why marine animals shouldn't be kept in captivity?
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    n6 · n5 · n4 ÷ n3 · n2 ÷ n?

    can someone please simplify this ^
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    A good/funny facebook status about getting braces?

    i got braces today, i want to have a good facebook status that everyone will like :) i cant think of anything!
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    i want to cook a good ecuadorian dish ?

    i got a date and i want to cook good ecuadorian food ... help its for my boyfriend what are some popular ones ?
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    how to update itouch 2nd gen to 3.1 on itunes?

    okie i started itunes hooked ipod up and it says there is a update for itouch 3.1 now it says it is for the 1st gen only* now if i buy this will it also work for my 2nd gen itouch or will i be buying it for no reason ? my ipod touch version right now is 2.2.1 if i buy this update will it change...
  8. H

    Laughing at animal cruelty?

    yea that is definitely not funny or good personality trait. What if someone did that to you when you died ( even though you were 6-7 hours dead) and ripped your head off and put it on a stick just for a cheap laugh. Thats just sick
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    Parents, share your recipes!?

    pepperoni and cheese crescents 1 (8oz) can crescent dinner rolls 2 oz (1/2 c.) shredded, low moisture Mozzarella Cheese 24 slices of pepperoni 1 egg slightly beaten Heat oven to 375 degrees. Seperate dough into 8 triangles; stretch each triangle slightly. place 3 slices pepperoni, slightly...
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    which place in OAHU is the best to go hiking?

    im gonna travel soon to hawaii and i would like to know this. But i dont wanna go with too much people..i wanna have some privacy with my husband. And i would love to swim under a waterfall. Any beautiul place??
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    what can i do to get over my period faster?

    my period usually last between 5 to 6 days, but i wanna try it to make go away faster. Is it possible to make my period come just 3 days?? i heard that parsley tea can prepone it but i dont know if it can make flow it faster.
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    my boyfriend thinks he might be bisexual. help needed.?

    So, my boyfriend told a girl that he is attracted to this gay guy, but he doesn't know that i know about him liking this guy. He told me a month ago or so that he might be bi, and I was okay with it. I don't mind his sexual preference, but now I'm just concerned about whether or not he'd think...
  13. H

    What are some good free Ipod touch/Iphone apps?

    Well my boyfriend always likes to play this one app of mine called PapiJump but i personally have never played it. Hope this helps. It's free so try it you might like it as much as he does.
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    How to copy page from internet?

    How to copy page from internet as a picture? Thanks =D
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    american car companies?

    Maybe they try to use da cheapest items but try 2 make da car in good quality like Pontiac for example.
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    i would like to add more fish to my 10g community?

    i have: 2/platies 1/molly 1/guppy 2/ baby crayfish i repeat 2 BABY crayfish i would like to add: 1/male betta fish and a few more guppies cuz its a 10g aquarium and all the fish only grow to be about 2in...
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    Looking for white HUGE Trek bike cruiser seat / saddle...?

    I saw an adorable Trek cruiser bike last week - very retro, and baby blue in color. It had a HUGE WHITE leather seat with a small metal bar that ran along the back of it. (almost like a carrying handle.) The word "Trek" was embedded on the back of the seat. It had substantial shocks under it...
  18. H

    Can my weak tooth get its strength back?

    I have one tooth that is weak cuz im always messing with it. lol. A long time ago I got hit by a soccer ball and it made my front tooth kinda weak. and that gives me the urge of messing with it, and so I think i made it even weaker all that time. It doesnt move a whole lot. you can barely see it...