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  1. S

    What is the best suv for me?

    be back in a min
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    my husband complains about how I cut his hair.?

    I cut my husbands hair myself. We want to save money. He works in sale. Well it seems like no matter how hard I try its never right. Especially right above the sideburns and above the ears. he likes it really short there and faded back and apparently I never get it right. Today after I did...
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    Good or bad please answer?

    I compose songs, given, I do not take lessons, and the mere fact I don't makes people who listen to my songs look down on me like im a "special ed piano player" or something. I was wondering what YOU guys think of my music ? :S...
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    Beautiful romance/drama anime w/ good character relationship developments...

    Fruits Basket is pretty awesome. : D It's 26 episodes. Also, I'm not sure about the anime adaption, but Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) has tons of character development and love triangles in the manga. xD
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    why do i feel full all the time? could there be something wrong with me?

    i can have 2 slices of toast and a yoghurt and i feel full,i can still feel full 5 hours later.obviously i make myself eat later because it would not be healthy if i didnt.but why am i feeling full all the time? i have an active job,i dont sit down for 7 1/2 hours until i go home so im burning...
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    hey anyone know the ending for "boys over flowers" korean drama?

    so yah im like very curious about the ending and cant wait to the last ep so if any of ya knows the exact ending please tell me in detail. thanks alot. oh and btw im watching the korean version. please tell me the ending guys..
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    HELP!!! Im freaking out!?

    My daughter is almost three, and she has been home with me everyday...well my husband and I decided to put her in a daycare for a couple days a week just so that she can have some interaction with other kids. The first few days she did great, I mean she couldnt get down and play fast...
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    I am a 10 year old chinese PUG dog , and i have terrible dry fur. any...

    Hey, Pug. Try oatmeal sensitive skin shampoo for dogs. It's cheap at Wal-Mart. Also, bathe a lot less often. If you are bathing too much you are stripiing the oils from yourself. Good luck! p.s. How are you typing with no fingers?
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    Sputnik/artificial Satellite Questions!!!?

    what is the period of rotation of the satellite? what is the period of revolution of the satellite? what is the average distance from the sun? what is the body made of (including the surface)? thanx =]
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    Sweet Potato Salad Recipe?

    I had this really nice sweet potato salad with crushed walnuts when I was away and I was wondering if anybody has a recipe for something similar? It didn't have a creamy dressing like a normal potato salad nor did it have egg. Actually it wasn't much like normal potato salad at all. Thanks !
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    can 3 legally cutt off your phone if you dont have a 3 handset?

    i've heard rumours about it but it happened to my mum today. She has a contract with 3 mobile phone company, but they suddenly cut her off today. when she phoned from another mobile they said it was because she didnt have an official 3 handset. is this legal? they gave no warning either.
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    what venus razor should i get ( help ASAP) LOOK INSIDE PLEASE?

    you should get the embrace!!! ha...
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    what venus razor should i get ( help ASAP) LOOK INSIDE PLEASE?

    you should get the embrace!!! ha...
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    Bluetooth on my cell phone?

    I have an Alias from Verizon cell phone and it came with bluetooth is it free to get music from there? And also when my friends who have u.s. cellular phones try to send me music via bluetooth it doesnt work for some reason any ideas why??
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    what can i eat that makes your skin healthier?

    Try and cut out as much refined sugar and saturated fat as you can, eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg and eat almonds! they are great for your skin! I have also heard that avocado is good for your skin too, personally i cant stand the stuff but you might like it! Happy skin!
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    is what i'm eating today okay? i want to maintain my healthy weight, NOT

    It sounds pretty good. I would add a small handful of nuts in there somewhere to get some more protein and essential oils and maybe a little bit more milk.
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    What can i do with this course Rules, rights and justice: an introduction to

    law w100? Hi im taking Rules, rights and justice: an introduction to law w100 with open uni in feb and i was wondering what courses could i take after i have completed this one and what jobs could it get me into.Thank you
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    my fun little quiz- part 2?

    1. Best cartoon ever? 2. what scares you? 3. ever pulled an all-nighter? 4. Favorite doughnut? 5. believe in love at first sight? 6. best type of music? 7. favorite fast food? 8. dream job? 9. favorite department store? 10. who do you admire most? 11. how do you relax? 12. favorite magazine? 13...
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    What would you do to meet you favourite celebrity?

    I would give up my left arm to meet Idina Menzel.
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    philips mp3 player want come on ?

    I have got this philips mp3 player and it want come on when it it hot it means the battery is full and when it is old is id dead and my mp3 is a bit cold so is a bit dead and it want charge up why is this I try chargeing it in phine charge and pc charge what is the problem please help sorry...