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  1. C

    Recently got dish network and...?

    You have to call them and ask for it. Warning: It is usually only free for a couple months, after that, they will start charging you.
  2. C

    Best cruise for college students during christmas break?

    Which cruises out there would be most suited for a couple of college students? And ill specify that being a college student, we are mainly interested in drinking, girls, loud music, etc. Thanks!
  3. C

    how can I use my subwoofers when i have a dvd player in my car?

    i bought a dvd player that is a radio also so it goes into the center console, but when i hooked it up, the subwoofer input only has one plug but my sub woofers are 2 wires required to plug in. How can i hook it up, i tried getting a splitter so i can plug both wires into it and it fits but it...
  4. C

    What song samples the intro to AC DCs Hells Bells?

    I'm NOT looking for She's on it by the Beastie Boys. I heard it on you tube somewhere, its scratch heavy, very good mix. Thanks!
  5. C

    What song samples the intro to AC DCs Hells Bells?

    I'm NOT looking for She's on it by the Beastie Boys. I heard it on you tube somewhere, its scratch heavy, very good mix. Thanks!
  6. C

    If you have a sense of humor, tell me what you think?

    Watch the whole thing, it's funny, lol:
  7. C

    If you have a sense of humor, tell me what you think?

    Watch the whole thing, it's funny, lol:
  8. C

    What is a good car name for a red VW Jetta?

    sally,sassy,red,i had a blue car named blue sue,i named my red eclipse the hatchet,and my black t.a. the hammer,it all depends on the personality of the owner.i'm a cereal killer jk
  9. C

    VW Golf GTDI with diesel particle filter problem?

    if by particle filter u mean air filter,go to the part store and get a new one and change it yourself,it's really easy
  10. C

    what can i do to move out of my house with a older sister?

    Here is the problem at home. my mom hates my dad but will not leave!My dad will not get along with anyone me and him got into a 3rd fight today he ripped the phone out of my hands well i was talking to my mom and i threw water on him he then chased me threw the house nearly attacking me i am 16...
  11. C

    So am I bisexual? 0_0?

    I have always automatically thought of myself as straight and have always dated girls but sometimes I'm looking at other guys like DAMN he is fine! So am I bisexual? i don't understand this whole sexuality stuff lol
  12. C

    A snapped VHS Issue? Help anyone?

    I was playing back a VHS cassette of Live Aid (Recorded since 84, rarely played and not been recorded since...). The VHS kept ejecting itself when played in one deck. And when played in another deck, no picture on screen, a constant black static on the tape. Assuming that I had mistakenly...
  13. C

    I heard u could get internet 4 your nintendo ds, is this true?

    Yes it is. It slots into the back of the game cartridge slot and basically 'hijacks' the wifi on your ds. It is called, maybe from irony, DS Browser
  14. C

    I saw on the news that stores are willing to barter their prices?

    What stores are dong this?
  15. C

    DO you think the Australia internet filter will stop child pornographic?

    I never heard of it, sounds interesting. I think it will stop a lot of people, but they are going to have to be constantly updating the system and changing it around because hackers get into a lot of stuff. The gov't will have to raise taxes for it, which to my opinion is worth it. They will...
  16. C

    I work in a out of school care and a child complain me with his mother.?

    You should be fired. Joking or not, you need to act professional around children, not act like one of them yourself. And lying is just irresponsible. Saying you are going to throw a child in a pen is wrong, I would be majorly pissed if you someone said that to my kid....
  17. C

    I need websites to buy stuff to fix my truck, also can you install 4 wheel

    drive on this kind of truck? I just bought a 1995 F-150. It has some cosmetic damage from a deer hitting it. I looked on E-bay but didn't find everything I needed. Websites would be great, think cheap, lol. Also, one of the things I wanted to do was install 4 wheel drive because I go to the...
  18. C

    My internet isn't working properly. I can open some pages, but when I try to open

    others it says...? ....I'm not connected. Like I can go on Yahoo obviously, but not another site. Anyone have any ideas on what this is and what I can do about it??? JD - huh?? I was just trying to get on a real estate site to see a house my MIL wants to buy, nothing naught, lol.
  19. C

    Would i be able to afford a harley 883 sportster?

    If you are able to buy it right out, go ahead. But if you want to get a loan/lease then think about it. A good way to tell if you can afford it is if the payment is under 5% of what you take home. Not much to work with, but it leaves you a lot of room for the economy issues going on right now...
  20. C

    do ipod touch screen covers work?

    so the screen doesnt break and also do covers work so it doesnt get scratched