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  1. G

    How to save dvd to computer ?

    Go to your DVD drive and right click on it.... Choose the option explore files or folders...something like that... Then inside the dvd files select them all and copy then paste to a new folder... Hope this helps :)
  2. G

    Just found a picture of 'Sci Fi Racist' whacha think?

    I'll alert the media!
  3. G

    satan is an angel who is good in judaism but in christianity is like a god?

    According to the Bible there is only one God and Satan is not it. P.S. Christianity is derived from Judaism
  4. G

    What are some cool free games for iPhone 4s.?

    Tower Defense thingy. The one with the monkey popping balloons! :D
  5. G

    Why can't I create any torrents?

    I have BitTorrent on my computer, Free Version, and every time I try to create a torrent it says, "Unable to load "(torrent name)". Not enough storage is available to process this command. Does that mean I don't have enough storage left on my laptop? I'm the Administrator on the computer currently.
  6. G

    A question for the Libertines.?
  7. G

    Do you actually believe in your religion?

    No. I'm officially Catholic, but unofficially an agnostic atheist. BQ: Does it annoy anyone else that being an atheist is seen as being morally inferior? Most of the people that think this don't know much about their religion and don't go to church, temple, etc. so who are they to judge?
  8. G

    Poll/Survey: Do you like Obama's "Hope and Change"?

    Reauthorize the Patriot Act Signed the NDAA 202 to allow the indefinite detention of US Citizens. Expanded the War on terror Escalated the WAr on Drugs Ordered the kill of a US Citizen(s) without due process. Processed with warrantless spying on US Citizens Tripled the number of US Troops...
  9. G

    where can I repair my Vizio tablet in Washington DC?

    am a Jordanian national/Middle East,I bought my vizio tablet from costco stores San october 2011, and it does not charge at all.....I think the bettery is dead, plz adivse....I might come to Washington DC next october,....what shall I do
  10. G

    Why did God lie to us about having free will?

    Not true. Although I might punch you in the face.
  11. G

    Is it against Judaism to restore your foreskin?

    Wait until you have a foreskin and urine sits under a whole day...
  12. G

    What is the prophecy of Illuminati?

    "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" Despite common understanding, the illuminati is for freedom and spiritual evolution.
  13. G

    what are HOT DOGS and APPLE PIE considered?

    When you think of HOT DOGS and APPLE PIE, what do you consider them to be? (America's...?)
  14. G

    Do you hate it when people have annoying ringtones?

    Then tell your mom to shut up
  15. G

    Best nfl rookie so far this year?

    Nate has been pretty good. Having to come in and start even with no OTAs. Cam Newton is another one.A.J. Green has been a beast. Von Miller has been solid. All of those guys have been good this year. Much better than anyone else in this past drafts first round.
  16. G

    Can I download bluetooth onto my Vaio E Series Laptop and use it with my new...

    ...Apple Mouse? I have a new Vaio Laptop Model: VPCEH1AFX running Windows 7, and I also have a new white wireless bluetooth mouse made by Apple. The website I ordered the mouse from says it works with Windows 7. Bluetooth isnt built into my laptop so I was wondering if theres anyway I can...
  17. G

    If life is so fair, then why does the gay Asian boy think I'm a creep?

    The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the ANNIHILATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS . We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us...
  18. G

    Where can i go to rent DVD's ?

  19. G

    Christians, why is Yhwh real but not Perun?

    Believing in something does not make it real. It only means you "think" it is real. Yahweh is not real. The Deity only has more followers today.