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  1. K

    do girls really need the last laugh?

    me and a friend were waiting for a third friend(my crush), but she never showed so we walk to class and around hte corner of one hallway i see her and she was listening to her music and stuff and seemed like she had an attitude. I said hey and what not but she was a bit more focused on what she...
  2. K

    Schwinn Le Tour bicycle any good?

    I was wondering if this bike is worth the price. I don't know too much about bikes so any help would be much appreciated.
  3. K

    Can anyone please send me an invite to some sort of mma torrent website?...

    ...(mmatracker or bestmmatorrents etc)? Hi if someone has a extra invitation I would really appreciate it. I am willing to pay for some help. I will do my best to seed. I would really really appreciate it. Thanks,
  4. K

    How do i cook meringues so that they don't crunble at the first bite?

    I've changed oven temp, length of cooking times, used cream of tartar, not used cream of tartar, used baking powder, not used baking powder, etc. I would really appreciate some help here. I like to take a bite and still have an intact meringue.
  5. K

    i'm aspriging to be an Army Ranger but im having trouble with the fitness tests?

    a friend and i are aspiring to become airborne rangers, so both of us are preparing for army basic training, ranger school, but no matter how hard we try we cannot seem to pass the minimum fitness tests for rangers, like running 6 miles in 45 minutes, i can get 3 milies in an hr im way too slow...
  6. K

    2yrs in the Army or 4yrs in the Air Force?

    I am a U.S resident not a citizen. I have been asking a lot of questions about joining lately but a lot of jobs that I want require a security clearance because I am not a citizen so I cant get a lot of jobs in the electronic field like I wanted. I hear alot of people are joining the military...
  7. K

    best mma torrents site down for last fortnight?

    Has the site been taken down?
  8. K

    I am 11 years old, I have an Xbox Live friend who is 15 and I wanted to meet him... real life.What should I do? I am 11 years old and I met a 15 year old kid on xbox live. We've been good friends on Xbox and I was wanting to know how we would meet in real life? I know he is 15 because we have video chatted several times. NOTE: I am actually 11 years old, I just have good...
  9. K

    Can anyone suggest a good hybrid bike to buy?

    I have a budget of about £300 - £350. Im after something quite light and strong. Any suggestions????
  10. K

    Feel like throwing up But I never do.?

    Ok so im a guy and im 23yrs old. I work at a restaurant and dont eat my 3 meals a day. Well about 3-4 weeks ago I started getting this gagging feeling every morning and only goes away if I eat something really quick. But lately I been getting them really bad. Alot of food makes me wanna puke so...
  11. K

    I Need Desperate Help W/. My New Dvd Burner!!!!!?

    guys, i just bought a (sony?) dvd burner from the internet. it just came by itself without any wires or anything. i don't know what cord to buy. please's a pic. of it...if it helps
  12. K

    I need help on the internet connection for ps3?

    Can someone help me please. I have tried to connect to the internet on my ps3 but it doesnt work. At the internet test it says it failed because it timed out. Can someone please help me. And by the way i am using wireless connection
  13. K

    does anyone know where I can download free games. Really good ones?

    I mean cool games like devil may cry, prince of persia etc.......
  14. K

    Building truck ramps to load ATV?

    Santa brought my son an ATV for is too heavy for me to load in the bed of my truck to take him somewhere he can ride it. I found a kit from Lund for building loading ramps out of 2"x"10" wood. The problem is...
  15. K

    How do you afford high speed internet, a cell phone and a cable/dvr?

    I bundle internet and cable TV...and I disconnected my land line in favor of a cell phone. ...but then I have a REALLY good job so affording it isn't an issue...I just preferred the convenience of bundling.
  16. K

    I have 2 Honda CTB250 bikes in my garage and want to sell them.?

    They are not full bikes,probably be only good to someone who wants to make one whole bike but i havent got any log books or anything. Can i still sell them or do i need log books and that? Dont know much about this as they were my dads and i dont ride.
  17. K

    Is it free to update via internet in the ps3?

    does it take any space like kb gb?
  18. K

    when i ride my road bike it feels like its bumping all the time!!!?

    I dont know whats causing it but its annying me. Any ideas?
  19. K

    what type of tyre can i buy for my road bike to give it a bit of extra tread and

    protection? the roads i go on are quite bumpy and knackered and i keep getting punctures!! any advice would be appreciated
  20. K

    I want to improve the performance of my road bike.?

    I have a carerra tdf 08.Link below What should i change to improve the performance. Any suggestions on what stuff to buy. Im a newbie to road...