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  1. C

    I have ARACHNOPHOBIA... and goes what comes in my room?

    OMFG....... Amazon, not my type of place lol... A dinner plate, imagine that in your room.. I wouldn't enter my room - I'd call spider control.
  2. C

    dunno if anyones seen this but a former soldier is about to be executed

    stop asking what he did and read :facepalm: and ihav.netonaim you sir have the right mindset he is infact a sick motherfucker and deserves what hes about to get IMHO the one good thing bush has done in his presidency
  3. C

    Should I be scared?

    you now must get her name tattooed on your breast
  4. C

    16yr old female drivers are fail.

    Women drivers in general are fucking horrible. I guess it's hard to drive when you can't put your phone down and you are always putting on makeup because you MUST look good while driving.
  5. C

    Went to Kmart...

    wut is good?
  6. C

    Im going Army, officer or enlisted

    Do you know anything about the Air Force?
  7. C

    Ghost Town Part II *pics*

    go back and see if the door that was kicked in is closed and locked again. if it is, stake out the house for a night
  8. C

    Are Sleepovers Gay??

    no, its just with pending felonies and various other legal matters, i sure as hell aint getting involved. they all start with drinking and cards, then it extends from the house into the neighborhood, and then it's "why am i getting handcuffed?"
  9. C

    Good Idea?

    I don't work, so I was wondering how many of you would think of buying a of bread for $3 from someone who made it in their own home? Let's say the bread yields about 20 slices per loaf, would you think it was worth it? Keep in mind, it's home made as well as made from scratch, without a bread...