Search results

  1. N

    which body do you find the most attractive?

    their boobies aint big enough
  2. N

    When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

    the only rare card i ever pulled out of the pack was a 1st edition slowking
  3. N

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    I can't stand listening to other people read.
  4. N

    good/funny pickup lines for chicks!!!!!

    dam. a lot of genericly boring threads in the past 20 minutes...
  5. N

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    taken from a local site: So I went downtown today to take a look at the scientology protest by Anonymous. As I walked towards the offices, it looked like a typical Sunday; a few people on the sidewalk, but mostly empty streets. As I got closer to the scientology offices, however, I saw the...
  6. N

    Looking For New Job

    apply for some jobs dumb fuck.
  7. N

    best revenge youve ever gotten on a friend for a prank?

    Threw Kool Aid on him while he was in the shower.
  8. N

    My gf doesn't finish me off?

    I always make sure she has an orgasm but she doesn't seem to understand I need to finish as well , whats the best way to get her to appreciate this.? its kind of difficult (for me) to just bring the subject up in ordinary conversation.
  9. N

    ps2 dvd forwarding speed?

    will the ps2 dvd player only fast forward through films at x2 speed..?? can it go any faster some way.?
  10. N

    Any (free) programs to write out my music as sheet music?

    I'm writing music and I really need to turn it into sheet music, any free utilities for this.?? the music is for classical guitar.
  11. N

    Why do they want to arrest celebrities filmed taking drugs in England?

    because they misguidedly think that celebrities are role models. by locking them up you glamourise their drug abuse even more.
  12. N

    internet keeps needing reboot?

    on broadband my friends PC needs reboot every 10 mins to get access again. what is causing this.? it was fine until yesterday.
  13. N

    problem with old digital TV box?

    I got an old secondhand TV digi box as mine stopped working. the thing is it wont tune in new channels and is stuck on channels that are well out of date, eg Teletext is shown as channel nine & when i try to retune it says 'no channels found' & stays on the old ones. what do i do.?