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  1. T

    friend stung by dead bee

    el oh el
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    preists get lonely ya know.

    hahahha. yeahh true. but its true i swear. check this out.... hahahahahah thats got his mugshot too! hahahaha hes a queer!
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    While traveling down Ingnorance Blvd, will the Republicans turn left on

    As a watcher away from the political cult fray, I saw that Obama created the birther controversy and now I see that folks like you will keep it alive. I was underwhelmed when he presented this document that I can make on my own computer as a real birth certificate and think that you will keep...
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    alright guys, here is the fail

    Whatever happened to JacksonBlue.. i miss that kid :dodgy:
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    Is it true that Jeep/Chrysler is discontuing the Compass/Patriot after next year?

    I read someplace, from some auto review mag that Jeep will discontinue the Compass/Patriot after Fiat comes in next years as a major partner? Both models have finally built a fan following and the Compass was just revamped this year with a new front end that makes it look like a mini Grand...
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    how do i turn on the high beams on a 2000 mazda 626 lx?

    how do i turn on the high beams on a 2000 mazda 626 lx? its a 4 door sedan 2.0l automatic
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    Newbie : Need help on choosing a DSLR camera?

    ah, the age old question...which camera to buy! the answer is....whichever suits you best, I presume you are looking at DSLR's, you need to find the ones in your budget, compare the spec, and see which features you think you will use most, then go to a shop and try the shortlist. you need to...
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    damn homie

    sense, it makes none
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    Second-longest debate in Senate history and the GOP is still whining

    The health care bill was not stopped by the GOP. The Dems in the Senate could have passed it the first time it was offered (in a stack of house keeping bills the day before the summer recess). the GOP never had the numbers to stop it, moderate Dems stopped it because they did not believe in...
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    Found a hidden ghost town *pics*

    fixed :tup:
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    how can i unlock my new samsung g600 with damaging or changing it?

    take it to a phone shop - most of them will be able to unlock it for you £10-20 ?
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    how can i unlock my new samsung g600 with damaging or changing it?

    take it to a phone shop - most of them will be able to unlock it for you £10-20 ?
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    how can i unlock my new samsung g600 with damaging or changing it?

    take it to a phone shop - most of them will be able to unlock it for you £10-20 ?
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    MMA fighting??????????

    is it ok to start MMA training without any background ( i did japanese jiu jitsu for bout a month ) also i would be starting when im 15. is that a good age to start?
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    440 chrysler big block with nitrous?

    I have a 70 plymouth roadrunner with a 440... I would like to use a 100 - 150 horse shot of nitrous and I was wondering what all needs to be done to the engine to be able to accept nitrous? thanks a lot!
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    Would you support an Internet Tea Party?

    Well Yes I do..But everyone knows they would just ignore the emails.
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    MMA training>????????

    are there any MMA training clubs near studley in england?
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    Why does everyone on the politics section assume all the questions are about

    I do believe this is Y/A US. Yahoo answers is available in 27 different countries where those countries and the people in them can discuss their issues. All that is necessary is to click on the Icon for that country at the bottom of this page.
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    where can I buy a cable box that gets comcast channels?

    I want to be able to pick up channels 600-700