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  1. D

    Who remembers the Small Talk april fools joke?

    It was for a month.
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    A WoW Addicted Friend Headed A Bad direction..

    Lol -deleted for freinds sake- but seriously just turn the damn breaker off and take it out. i did that one night when my gf brother didnt want to come out for a family dinner for his grandmothers birthday a few years ago.
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    Weirdest jobs for final

    I did that... I put i was in special ops and that i knew chuck rambo and james bond. Nevertheless i got an A
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    If you could change Your name.........

    I knew a set of twins whose names were Amonjelo and Lehmonjelo. Their mom named them after flavors of Jello.
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    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    Zehraa. i love my name but it annoys me how people pronounce it like complete idiots without putting any effort into it whatsoever! And theres been so many nicknames that weirdly came from my name such as; Zebra(hence the user name:) Xena(the warrior princess), ZezLad, Zed, Zech(wtf??) etc. it...
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    Is a 2003 Lincoln Town Car a Good choice ?

    87,xxx Miles looks clean, rides good. $5900. the Dealer wants. My question to Owners of these Cars- Are they dependable??? Before I go and shell out the cash give me some advice on this. Thanks guys. what do I need to check before I buy>???????
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    i got grounded for bad report card is this a reasonable punishment??

    No. E-slaughter. Rampage>douchebag.
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    Buying a1982 Honda CR480 dirt bike for $350 > What do I need to look for ?

    To see if bike is ok to buy, The guy says it need a new rear tire, How much would one cost about ?????
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    So, what did you do today?

    1: Woke up at 8am 2: went to work 3: flamed on st at work till 2:30 4: AT 2:31 i started working 5: 2:59 i clocked out and went home 6: 3:45 got home 7: went swimming/ basketball 8: took dog out 9: made veleeta noodles 10: finished season 6 of scrubs 11: logged into pbn/st
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    Poll: Who is your favorite rookie ?

    Suh in Detroit. Did you see how he slammed Delhomme into the turf!? Boy is nasty!
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    How does bluetooth frequency hopping work?

    Bluetooth uses a frequency of 2.402-2.48GHz and uses "spread-spectrum frequency hopping", which means it chooses 79 random frequencies out of that range and hops around to any one of them 1,600 times a second in order to avoid interference from other bluetooth signals in the area doing the same...
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    Kanye west speaks about thestudentroom

    Sweet! :)
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    Is there a product from a GNC or other store that you can take that increases?

    red blood cells in the body- for more of a massive pump from a work out and No I dont need another creatine or NO product
  14. D

    Quick Question!!!!

    No, not one person.
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    Hard Hit in the Face with Nunchaku (video)

    Good day to you sir, my name Is Prince Obafemi Nwanday III of uganda, I have much monies but government want to take this monies from me. we are in war and these is sad times indeed. i am looking for a kind sole to help me move this monies (which i use to save starving children) before the...
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    what be your favorite Stoner food?

    Holy shit, I want that.
  17. D

    here a pop quiz what is the most deadliest gun in the world?

    Ultimately the one that's loaded and in the hands of the most capable shooter. Also it is almost impossible to find a weapon that would be universally "the most deadliest". For instance, the Davy Crockett, now out of service, being a recoilless rifle, could be considered a "gun". So could the...
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    Why does every con-servative not allow email or any contact? Because they

    Spoken like so many other of the modern-day walking dead, uninformed liberal zealots! In case you haven't noticed, an empty suit president and partisan congress have driven our country to the brink of economic disaster. Sorry, you can't blame Bush for this as both houses were afflicted with...
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    I am looking for a truck for my teen.?

    I am looking into a very nice 1992 chevy scottsdale V6 4.3 liter 4x4 5 speed. What you think? Very low miles. The current owner said he was getting 26 MPG when he last drove it. What would you offer for it?