Search results

  1. M

    Were can i buy cds and dvds/blueray to resell?

    Aren't you putting the cart before the horse opening a store BEFORE you know anything about how you're going to stock it? That's pretty stupid! Did you even bother with any "minor technicalities" like getting a business license or business Tax ID? Assuming you HAVE done those things, you need to...
  2. M

    How to get anyone to enjoy sci-fi/fantasy movies.?

    the "Rings" trilogy is WAY to complex and involved to get someone disinterested in these films interested. I don't know your age group, but my suggestion is you have to "wean" people into enjoying these films without overburdening them. That said, I say try something considerably lighter and...
  3. M

    Movies that merge real people with cartoon characters? Example: Who Framed Roger

    "Mary Poppins" was an innovation at the time it was made for the way they combined animation and live action for the "Jolly Holiday" and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" numbers. Then there was the brief classic dance sequence in "Anchors Aweigh" in 1948 that had Gene Kelly dancing with...
  4. M

    How do you downgrade iphone apps?

    Specifically, I would like to go to a previous version of app trailers. If anyone maybe has a link to a download for that, I would be very thankful.
  5. M

    Has "Sir" Jimmy had the last laugh?

    Yes, he had the last laugh. He died in time to beat the policeman; had he lived on, he would have had to face the music. We are reminded how different things were forty years ago. Now, we take sex with under-age children seriously: in the 1970s the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) was an...
  6. M


    Constantly posting in one thread.
  7. M

    Chase Credit Card Interest Rate?

    I opened my chase credit statement and found the interest rate at 31 % avg. is 15.24% is this what you get when your payment is never late and I always always pay more then the minimum so say the minimum payment is 125.00 I pay 300.00 per month so why the high rate ? I have called and asked them...
  8. M

    Texas vs Tennessee

    texas football can
  9. M

    Its about that time. iTunes cleaning time!

    ya right.. with over 70,000 songs that could take me like... forevs..
  10. M

    Can It Be Any Funnier?

    cuz.........uhh.........join date counts now rite?:dodgy:
  11. M

    iPhone 4 vs. Samsung Galaxy S 4g?

    I personally like the iPhone 4S, but these days all phones are generally as fast as on another and have countless features. The iPhone 4S is twice as fast as the 4, and has a new iOS operating system with a few new features. The samsung has a bigger screen, and better battery life. 4G speeds...
  12. M

    Music that isn't music?

    almost anything thats out now..... old school is better
  13. M

    What does your username mean?

    Mine is meaningless. :dodgy:
  14. M

    does anyone actually watch the movies on the sci fi channel?

    i liked army of darkness though. it gave me epic lulz. its about some guy who goes back to medievel[sp] in time with a shotgun and a car. i laugh everytime i see it.
  15. M

    Best Quiznos Sammich?!

    ;42443047']the italian one is pretty good minus onions
  16. M

    Disco Stick

    Walking stick.
  17. M

    I want to travel to Canada alone?

    I will be 20 what would be the best way to go about it and reccomended places to go see?
  18. M

    LG BD530 vs toshiba bdx1100?

    Which one should I get, both of them for the same price. I don't care at all about the internet functions. But I would like upscaling Dvds. any advice would be great
  19. M

    Borderlands Goty PC DVD Cover?

    Hey , im searching for the Borderlands – Game Of The Year Edition pc cover. so if someone has it or know where to download it please send me a link. Thanks
  20. M

    What do you want to be when u grow up?

    music production. i have 10 years and counting of piano background. like legit piano, not twinkle twinkle shit. and im startin to pick up guitar, just to widen my horizons.