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  1. M

    Pokemon Red or Blue?

    some times a day goes by where i wish i hadnt traded min ein years ago, i did it when you reach the age of 14, and if u have anything pokemon ppl think ur gay. Now 5 years later, i wants it back
  2. M

    What to get?

  3. M

    Wtf Is On Mah Tongue?

    Tertiary Syphilis: some of the treponemes spread to other parts of the body, in particular, the mucous membranes, liver, eyes, joints, bones, muscles, or the central nervous system (CNS), where they again either multiply or remain dormant. Subsequently, the course of the disease is highly...
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    14k solid white gold chain necklace 24.99$: shens?

    14k of gold would weigh more then an ounce. Scam? -RL
  5. M

    Is the iPhone 5 coming out for T-Mobile?

    The iPhone 4S was just released a month ago. No one, not even Apple, has ANY idea about the "iPhone 5" if that's what next year's phone will actually be. Everything you hear about its features, pricing, speed, etc. is all speculation. Therefore, I don't know whether next year's iPhone will come...
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    Coke or Pepsi?

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    I am not sure what brand of pocket bike this is?

    the logo on a pocket bike is that of an animated check en head, sort of like roadrunner but with red hair, can you guys help me? no stupid answerers like EWWWWW
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    Android link it game?

    Anyone know how to get passed level 21? the game by boolba labs
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    favorite tourettes guy quote

    "Go Count Your Dick"
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    Why are you on TSR on a friday night?

    I'm baking and waiting for my friends to get in town from a different uni. :D
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    ~Wildrover~ the next caraboose?

    he sucks /thread
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    I want a penguin too.
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    luaf out load

    Shut up.
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    Teen girls made pact to get pregnant

    Me and my friends were talking about this the other day. Supposedly many of the girls in on the pact weren't even friends, so why they would all get together and do this is beyond me...
  15. M

    does my 2010 Mazda 3 2.0L fit a dual exhaust?

    I want an aftermarket exhaust for my Mazda 3, however, when I bought it, it came with a single exhaust, and I hate the look of an aftermarket single exhaust. Does my Mazda 3 2.0L have the ability to fit a dual exhaust?
  16. M

    does my 2010 Mazda 3 2.0L fit a dual exhaust?

    I want an aftermarket exhaust for my Mazda 3, however, when I bought it, it came with a single exhaust, and I hate the look of an aftermarket single exhaust. Does my Mazda 3 2.0L have the ability to fit a dual exhaust?
  17. M

    does my 2010 Mazda 3 2.0L fit a dual exhaust?

    I want an aftermarket exhaust for my Mazda 3, however, when I bought it, it came with a single exhaust, and I hate the look of an aftermarket single exhaust. Does my Mazda 3 2.0L have the ability to fit a dual exhaust?
  18. M

    does my 2010 Mazda 3 2.0L fit a dual exhaust?

    I want an aftermarket exhaust for my Mazda 3, however, when I bought it, it came with a single exhaust, and I hate the look of an aftermarket single exhaust. Does my Mazda 3 2.0L have the ability to fit a dual exhaust?
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    Foreign Roomate

    lold my socks off anyway heres what you do just piss him the fuck off sooo much that he leaves (but do it in a way where he can't complain to the superiors) or be having sex on his bed one day when he walks in :tup:
  20. M

    What type of setting is the Short Story Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason?

    is it 1. The Setting as Mirror: The setting may mirror the main mood or emotions within the story. For example, if it is a story of spiritual desolation, the story may be set in a bare, arid landscape. 2. The Setting as Mold: With this setting, the setting often shapes who the character...