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  1. L

    Why is the N Judah line ALWAYS crowded?

    Maybe because so many people like to ride it?
  2. L

    Was Mitt Romney really a better candidate than Herman Cain? Why wouldn't

    Republicans vote for Cain? He was charming, had a clear simple message, was a self-made man (unlike Mittens), and was obviously a great manager. What gives?
  3. L

    The Occupy Movement led to Left Victory at the polls this week. Can you...

    ...feel the Tide Turning? I think I am beginning to understand what President Obama meant when he said that the real change depends on us, not on him. He sits there in the White House as a captive to tired bureaucratic forces and special interests. He needs the People to shake things up so he...
  4. L

    Do the Muslims hate pigs because they were never introduced to bacon?

    Next time you're enjoying a bacon, think about the pig eating its own crap, and you're eating its stomach. I'll stick to soysage, thanks very much.
  5. L

    put down again

    no but seriously guys this isnt shens.
  6. L

    Does anyone remember this?

    i remember when i used to look like that, i forgot what my 2k1 account name is though.
  7. L

    Why do conservatives complain about Obama's "Tyranny" and then claim the

    2nd Amendment prevents Tyranny? Normal people realize that guns have no place in a democracy. You win some, you lose some, but civilized people respect democratic institutions. I'd never live outside of a major city. Suburbs and rural areas are creepy and boring to me, respectively. The...
  8. L

    What is the logic in making Enjoyable Marijuana illegal, while Addictive,...

    ...Carcinogenic Tobacco remains legal? Tobacco costs us billions a year in higher health costs, whereas marijuana is medicinal and good for you in many cases. If you needed any more proof that Big Tobacco runs Washington, there you go. You don't have to smoke cannabis to enjoy it.
  9. L

    If jesus was real, and he was....

    What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus. But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I would have fucked you in the...
  10. L

    Why do those who complain the rich pay too much in taxes miss the Big Picture?

    If the top 1% pay "too much" of the country's income tax, maybe it's because they have too much of the country's income. what's wrong with redistribution of wealth? John Doe you answered your own question. Spock, the Constitution allows Congress to pass a progressive income tax. You are imposing...
  11. L

    How to make less of a noise when you go to the toilet

    but guys all this sound removal? what about the smell? and the time it takes? don't you feel suspicious if you take longer on the toilet than normal?
  12. L

    Conservatives, what's the bigger threat: Sharia Law in America, or Africanized Bees?

    And mind you I don't want to minimize the risk of Gay Marriage or Mexican farmworkers, but we have to focus.
  13. L

    If the Tea Party is not a White Supremacist Moviement, why didn't they complain...

    ...about defecits until Obama? Reagan, Bush I and Bush II all ran record defecits. But the same "libertarians" and "defecit hawks" supported them, and saved their vitriol for a newly-elected President who used tried-and-true fiscal policy to fix the Bush Recession. No reason for that hypocrisy...
  14. L

    Have conservatives pretty much given up and accepted The Inevitable about Same-Sex

    Marriage? It's coming, whether you like it or not.
  15. L

    Have conservatives pretty much given up and accepted The Inevitable about Same-Sex

    Marriage? It's coming, whether you like it or not.
  16. L

    Joke: Whats the difference between a progressive and a fascist?

    Wait - it's a joke, but you don't know the punchline? Did you help plan the Iraq war too?
  17. L

    i just got SCAMMMED... or have i?!?!?!?!

    You spent 1 hour 41 talking to someone, xD
  18. L

    Is Obama the greatest President since FDR, or the greatest since Lincoln?

    FDR is hard to beat, but Obama has already won the Nobel Peace Prize, solved the health care crisis, ended Bush's depression, restored America's place in the world, shown leadership on global warming, got us to the endgame in Iraq, made the right decisions on Afghanistan, and so much more. Hard...