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  1. S

    Results Day 2009

    Get in to my firm hopefully.:zomg:
  2. S

    Great snack? or GREATEST snack?

    mediocre snack
  3. S

    Weight Gain?

    If your not worried about your health, do that.
  4. S

    the ebay game

  5. S

    No Nerves

    im confused as how it can itch but you cant feel it... and how bout you hot glue it:runaway:
  6. S

    Which would you rather have chopped off?

    Somebody thought this through
  7. S

    So i found a mentos machine

    I smell win...
  8. S

    "WTF" License Plates Recalled in NC...

    "WTF" License Plates Recalled in NC... Yes. It seems to be optional. When someone told me about it, they said they all had to be replaced, but judging by the article quoted, people can replace them if they're offended. However, the man on the radio said his friend had to replace his 2g1c...
  9. S

    If you were a Fed Ex worker and got stranded on an island with a bunch of packages..

    the chances of you living on a stranded island alone for 5 years is very slim soo.... you would be long dead in real life
  10. S

    Who is this fine ass lady

    she is my sister tori.
  11. S

    Desperate to To Find a Cure for a Light Sleeper

    nothing is better than some danks to knock your ass out
  12. S

    Are there any stores that have the Verizon Samsung Glyde?

    is the price gonna go down any moree? because my contract ends towards the end of June...