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  1. R

    Me and my boyfriend keep arguing about.....?

    I told my boyfriend that I wanted children 2 years after we get married. My boyfriend wants to adopt, but I want a surrogate mother, because we are a interracial couple I am black and he is white, so I wanted mixed children. He thinks I'm being excessive and selfish, because there are already...
  2. R

    Need some tips about live chat software?

    Please give me some tips about how I can promote Promote my business and achieve higher sales using a Live Chat Software on my website. And please also suggest me a good live chat software.
  3. R

    Hipaa violation? My doctor's office faxed 2 prescriptions to a random pharmacy

    in Canada.? The pharmacy contacted me wanting me to set up an account. Legit or not, it doesn't matter. This pharmacy has information about me that I did not authorize. Should I report this as a Hipaa violation?
  4. R

    Why does my bluetooth headphones always go on low quality?

    I have a bluetooth headphone. It's a Philips SHB9100/28. Here's the link: It's been working amazing so far with my old Samsung laptop. Now I switched to a Sony VAIO laptop. It's a decent computer, better specs than my old one so it's...
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    dvd write-protect copy?

    heres the thing that decrypts it: and heres a 5 day trial of a copier: you can find a dvd copier for free on youtube...
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    What's your ringtone on your phone?

    Kill Bill Whistle BQ:
  7. R

    Does the Netflix DVD selection suck as much as its streaming selection?

    Isn't the DVD an added option? I only have streaming, sometimes is sucks. But if you find a show you want to watch and they have every season, its really convenient.
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    How can I get a free Nintendo 3DS?

    A yard sale. No one will give you a 3DS free. Unless its broken. To get money, mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit, do extra chores, that stuff.
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    When and how long is the largest vacation period in America?

    spring break is One week in 99% of school systems. summer break is 8 - 10 weeks
  10. R

    Car wont go into gear properly.?

    I took my car on a track day yesterday and i developed a problem where it wouldn’t go into gear when decelerating. it will only go into gear with the correct engine speed. the clutch is all the way down and it will just refuse to go in until the revs are correct. What is this likely to be? the...
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    It can break without being physically handheld touched or dropped and its whole...

    ...existence gives life what am i? My friend told me this and I can't figure it out at all.... I'm usually good at this sort of stuff. Please help.
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    when I earned $1,000,000.00 for taking surveys online is that money tax free?

    by time u earn that much - u will be paying 40%+ to TAXES.
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    what is autotrophic nutrition?

    The organism makes its own food, most commonly through photosynthesis. Think "auto" like autonomic.
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    How can I get a light on my iPhone 3GS if theres no flash light?

    The flashlight app will only make Ur screen it's brightest that's it. I tryed too haha
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    Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

    Sounds like Dooteronomy to me, but usually we only hear the gay bashing stuff...
  16. R

    If I buy a pal Nintendo 64 from spain will my Australian Pal games play in...

    ...english still? help please.
  17. R

    When should I tell my new employer that I'm going on vacation?

    tell them now. do plan on finding new work later. do over work your self when there and u may keep your job.