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  1. W

    Why can't I tweet on my internet but on my friend's internet I can?

    So I couldn't tweet on my computer for a while because of twitter jail but it went over 9 days. I've tried tweeting on the second account that I've made but it wouldn't work. I made another and it worked for a few minutes and it turned off the blue button after my 7th tweet. I find it...
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    How much cash you got in the bank?

    savings $54k USD checking a couple hundred
  3. W

    Have high levels of ALT (SGPT) and AST (SGOT). What does that mean?

    ALT (SGPT) = 61 / AST (SGOT) = 38. just got these results and my dr didn't really explain, only to say that its not bad - but not good. i have in the last year became a HEAVY drinker. which is what my doctor said would be the cause of this result. however, she didn't really give me a level of...
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    Can a pizza be delivered to an airport?

    Just wondering if I can have a pizza delivered to reno tahoe international airport? Anyone ever do this before?
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    Airline travel question?

    I'm booking a flight online with american airlines and i have a connecting flight. When I get to the part to choose my seat I can choose for my initial departing flight and my initial arriving flight but for both connecting flights i can't choose a seat because its marked unavailable. Does that...
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    chipotle v qudoba

    Much like Starbucks, Chipotle is an over-priced gathering place for all that is wrong in this world. All it is is a status symbol that serves fake, asshole-tasting Mexican food.
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    What are some of the names of the apartment complexes in Mission and Fashion...

    ...Valley, San Diego? Thanks :)
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    What should i name my white maltipoo puppy?

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    So My IQ is 159.....what about you?

    It is bullshit because I took a legit IQ test and scored a 132. 120-139 is considered very superior intelligence. 140+ is genius.
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    oh look capn crunch:dodgy: requesting full out noodz
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    How do I introduce myself to this girl in my class?

    Theres a girl in one of my classes (junior in highschool) who always stares at me and I'm obviously attracted to her. We've made enough casual small talk over the past two years shes been in my school for me to know I should introduce myself. My question is, how do I do it? She probably already...
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    So I was stupid, could use some advice

    from the thread title it sounded like you got some chick pregnant
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    5 things you want to do before you die?

    1. Be happy. 2-5. Repeat #1
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    i need some advice

    oh and i just looked it up...its also considered rape so you will be going to jail :dodgy:
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    Why is Lady Gaga not coming back to Detroit for her 2011 Monster Ball North

    American tour? I was on and I happened to notice that her date for Michigan is actually in Grand Rapids. Which I do think is quite weird. She has been to Detroit twice, and Detroit is a very popular city in Michigan. I was just wondering if anyone out there new why. Thanks :).
  16. W

    can audi a6 fit a motorcycle?

    that sounds really retarded a car engine on a motorcycle, but it has been done on a cruiser but not on a crotch rocket??? that would defiantly not work at all, look how big your car engine is and compare it to your motorcycle engine, plus you would have to make your motorcycle into a shaft...
  17. W

    can audi a6 fit a motorcycle?

    that sounds really retarded a car engine on a motorcycle, but it has been done on a cruiser but not on a crotch rocket??? that would defiantly not work at all, look how big your car engine is and compare it to your motorcycle engine, plus you would have to make your motorcycle into a shaft...
  18. W

    can audi a6 fit a motorcycle?

    that sounds really retarded a car engine on a motorcycle, but it has been done on a cruiser but not on a crotch rocket??? that would defiantly not work at all, look how big your car engine is and compare it to your motorcycle engine, plus you would have to make your motorcycle into a shaft...
  19. W

    Why a movie or a movie clip or a dvd some have different format. Example. avi. mpg...

    ...vob.asf wmv mp4 ogm? Probably "format" is not the right word. The reason for asking this question is I purchased some instructional DVDs and I want to make a backup copy of all of them because they are very expensive. They dont come with any restriction so it is easy to make a copy...
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    Tracking apps for iPhone or blackberry on AT&T and/or verizon?

    My girl friend has told me that her parents downloaded an app on their verizon blackberry that ables them to send her a text and if she opens it it will send them a text back telling them her location. She has a blackberry also, is there anything like this out there? If so I have an iPhone is...