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  1. E

    Who would win USA or Russia?

    k so i started reading this thread, but got sick of seeing americans saying america would get owned by the russians. if you think that russia is better than america than you can just get the fuck out of the country. now i mean no disrespect to russia, their military is really hard core, but...
  2. E

    1,300 Best Public High Schools in America

    Not on it and im not surprised.
  3. E

    Can someone recommend a good day hike in the Adirondacks?

    Preferably one with views of Lake George. I really like Buck Mountain - the difficulty, the length of the hike, and the views...but I've already done that one three times. What are some good trails (maybe 5-6 miles round trip) other than that one?
  4. E

    Help with riddle, please?

    Simple: 3X4X2=ur a tard.
  5. E

    Why did Christ attend the marriage feast and rise on the third day? And Hosea

    read your bible, it says nothing of jesus rising from the grave. he was placed in the tomb, and three days later the rock was rolled away, and the tomb was empty. nothing about him floating around in the sky. nothing.
  6. E

    Why do people still believe in God and Allah and Budda etc,?

    Well, I for one personally believe in Allan, and find your question offensive. And yes, I am interested in some magic beans. Thanks!
  7. E

    Itt: We Fight!!!

    no, this isn't google image wars. this is post to post fighting pew pew pew
  8. E

    Best Fast Food

    shake and steak?
  9. E

    If you could meet any character from a TV show who whould you meet?

    Judge Judy! put on your listening ears! BQ: John Hanson!
  10. E

    Christians: does your religion treat you like an expendable pawn or do you think...

    I am not a chess piece, I am a free man.
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  12. E

    SNICKERS: Candy Bar or Chocolate Bar?

    lulz were had.
  13. E

    This is bad

    go throw up. or drop a huge deuce. or prepare for explosive dierea. or u have bad gas. did u shove a foreign object up ur ass recently?
  14. E

    Finally, I can officially become a BAMF!

    Hells yea mother fuckers.
  15. E

    When meeting someone for the first time, what is the best way to stand when

    I usually smile and talk with my hands. Hand gestures are always great in my opinion. As far as standing, I relax my shoulders, and often like to lean against something so it looks very casual. If its a professional talk, I try to stand tall and make a lot of eye contact. Also, always face them...
  16. E

    What are the biggest advantages in life if I convert to judaism ?

    You'll gain a plethora of financial and legal knowledge.
  17. E

    Do guys style their pubic hair?

    Totally. My pubes are in the shape of a handlebar mustache. I flap my junk around and talk like a country singer. Totally breaks the ice.
  18. E

    What are the best mash up songs?

    This is a little older, and you probably have heard it, but I think it is one of the best mashups ever:
  19. E

    What do you call someone who doesn't do drugs or smoke?

    In popular culture, you would be called straightedge. There's a whole straightedge culture of music.
  20. E

    The best metal songs?

    I love metal. I listen to bands like Megadeth, Iron Maiden, 80's Metallica (although death magnetic kicks so much a$$) and slayer. I don't really like death metal or other weird bands. Give me some super bad a$$ songs I can add to my playlist. I.E Hangar 18 Peace Sells The Trooper Aces High...