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  1. S


    we're talking about friends on myspace right?
  2. S

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    o really?
  3. S

    I Think My Best Friend Might Be Dead Or In Trouble

    Where the fuck are the mods, this is shitty.
  4. S

    if you could go anywhere...

    Dubai...Beruit.. Been to Bahamas..
  5. S

    What do you think of my prediction?

    i think they already did but they're just hiding that information from us... :)
  6. S

    whats the video

    haha alright thanks. anyone have the gif?
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    If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

    Taylor Lautner.. because he's a total hottie!!!.. too bad he's not gonna be in the New Moon movie.... =(
  8. S

    How do you get tabs on the top of the internet when u get on so u can put...

    ...something else up? my family has them!~! :)
  9. S

    i had a sore on my bottom lip?

    okay i had a sore on my bottom lip and i put some carmex on it and then my lip started hanging off my face... I dont know if it was because my lips were dry or what... it didnt go away for like a week... what could it be?