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    joo guys are funi
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    Youre alone for 2 days.... What do you do!?

    Big party = at least 2 days of clean up... Well at least at my house it was...... there was fucking fruit juice on my sealing.... :(
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    Scientology trying to subvert Anon!

    srs. take their advice.
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    Pulled pork.

    jerked pork or jerked chicken. Jamaican food ftw.
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    senior trip?

    Fucking guidos.
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    If you had 1 hour to live?

    I'd probably be pretty bored and sit on the couch for 1 hour thinking of something to do..
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    the big one one huh?? any sign of peach fuzz on the crotch region.?
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    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

    Why of course it is, dear. Would you like to nominate yourself for entry into this esteemed society?
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    Why isn't my new DVD player playing my burned DVDs?

    Could be wrong file format. I burned movies a lot on cd's & dvds, it also happened that I have the same brand of dvd player. Anyways, you should copy the whole disk , try burning it on low speed to prevent errors next time. Check if it run perfect on your pc and check if you copy the whole...
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    Help! Internet explore 6 and firefox issues?

    You could check up your own connection by pinging a website on your command prompt. like >> ping , if it replies 4 times there is nothing wrong with your isp. It could be your latest updates installed on your pc like windows updates or ie / firefox updates.
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    how to burn to a dvd?

    The file size is ok and will fit in 1 dvd. Its easy, just open your burning software like nero essentials for example , put the cd on and select the file you want to download , then select dvd (because your making a dvd copy, it wont work if you dont specify what kind of cd our using) and click...
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    Poll: If you could be a celebrity, who would you be?

    Angelina Jolie with Brad Pitt as my hubby: Yippee, :D
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    What design should I put on my cell phone skin?

    check out , register and you can download anything,
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    internet tv?

    i've watched my local tv shows using windows media player. it was also fairly new to me too. it was in a hackers site that i got the url so you can watch shows like (mtv,bbc,and some more) free & that doesn't require a subscription. search it on the web. i forgot the hackers site.
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    internet tv?

    i've watched my local tv shows using windows media player. it was also fairly new to me too. it was in a hackers site that i got the url so you can watch shows like (mtv,bbc,and some more) free & that doesn't require a subscription. search it on the web. i forgot the hackers site.
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    Do you know any free internet Trials???

    i dont think there is one. dial-up requires telephone lines a number to dial ,an account name and password of which can be obtained if you purchase a card or subscription from the isp which provides the connection in your area. usually it not advertised on the net so you have to go to the isp...
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    How to speed up your internet connection using only smart bro 999?

    nope. your pc can only recognize and use 1 isp at a time. if you add another pc on your connection its going to be slower since the speed will be divided between your machines. smart bro is up to only 256kbps (burstable speed) also dependent on your location. If your place is located near the...
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    I Want to change internet exlorer 7 to internet explorer 6 kindly pls help

    download IE6 on the net and delete your browser at add/remove program. but i suggest you use firefox since its way faster than IE and blocks pop-ups.
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    Cable Internet Connection , Upload Speed problem.?

    I have a cable isp which is bundled with our cable tv subscription, it was only for 150 kbps. done a speedtest and result showed: download speed 125kbps but upload only 58kbps. Im using firefox and webpage loads faster but i dont like the upload speed. How do I increase it.