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  1. M

    Do you give hobos money?

    Hell, why not? People get so mad about it sometimes and say they are just going to buy beer with the money. Who cares if they do, and personally I'd probably do the same thing. Five dollars isn't going to drastically turn some bum into success, let him have a cold one.
  2. M

    say you are very interested in one particular topic or area of research?

    To be 'educated' you need knowledge and understanding in depth and breadth. It's not enough to just know things but you have to be able to understand what it is you know. It's not enough to just focus on one area of knowledge (specialization) because you have to have some kind of context...
  3. M

    lets see what you got

    I'm loling at ohhai bear :dodgy:
  4. M

    so, i got suspended... bummer

    That's pretty cool, but too bad the airsoft gun doesn't still work so you can shoot the people that lose to you :D
  5. M

    Attn McDonalds Employees!

    I would condemn this as a stupid ST thread, but I really have to say I noticed this too.
  6. M

    As a Canadian, I have always believed in multiculturalism but this is an interesting

    counterpoint...? What do you think about multicultuarilsm?
  7. M

    Bat Mobile VS F1

    FUCK being practiceal Mutha fucka
  8. M

    Why has fashion gotten so trashy?

    Not always, but sometimes fashion reflects the values of the times.
  9. M

    Zombie Attack.

    Haha, I'm in your sig, I'm part of you now! :dodgyrun:
  10. M

    Baked Asian girl follows you

    use ur mouse on the screen you fucking retards. God she doesnt literally follow you
  11. M

    iShoes, motorized skates in action on campus

    i just got one of iTunes
  12. M

    i do crunches but i need to do more.?

    As you are finding out, crunches and ab exercises will excercise your muscles (and that's a good thing) but are not that effective at losing weight.
  13. M

    Are They Still Selling PSP's?

    Yes they are still selling PSP. Your going to have to be lucky finding a God of War Entertainment Pack because they quit making them, so try buying one from online. If you don't find one, then just wait for the PSP 3000 series it'll be out very soon. Have fun Hope this helps
  14. M

    Can anyone tell me how much e b games give me for my xbox 360?

    10 Games - It depends on the condition and the year they came out. Probably around $60 2 Controllers - Maybe close to $30 Faceplate - I doubt they will take it but if they do than around $7
  15. M

    what games should i get for my psp?

    Not 100% sure when it comes out but Resistance: Resuraction comes out soon. It's going to be great, you should look into it.
  16. M

    Is PSP custom firmware dangerous or risky to have ?

    Yes, there is away it can brick your PSP, but that's only if you have no clue what your doing. If you do it the right way you should have nothing to worry about. If it is bricked: You can just buy a Pandorra battery and it'll fix it. Hoped this helped
  17. M

    Car transport from Perth to Sydney?

    My dad wants to send me his 2004 toyota corolla valued at about $17000 its a sedan. What do you think would be the cheapest way to get it here? How long does it take and how much does it cost? Taking into consideration delivery, insurance and damage. Its got about 150000Ks on it do you think its...
  18. M

    Mile times

    6 minutes 45 seconds.
  19. M

    How many sub-genres and sub-sub-genres of Rock and Pop music can you name?

    Just for fun. Bonus questions: Is there any value or meaning to them beyond marketing? Do you think that the musicians themselves really care about that?