Search results

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    Motorola MT2000 VHF-UHF Radio Software?

    I am looking for software for Motorola MT2000 software for 2 commercial 2-way radios. I have contacted Motorola and they no longer support these radios. Does anybody know where I could possibly download the software or acquire it?
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    Why are some religions still linking Homosexuality with,Murder,Abortion and greed?

    I read a self Imposed paper from the Jehovah witness who I classify as a pressure religion,state that "God hates murders,and Abortion,and homosexuality.How can U classify Gays with Murders.I've met some of the nicest people who are gay.When will people git there heads out of the sand?This is why...
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    Movie Survey (13 Questions)?

    1) The Godfather or Scarface 2) The Toy or Stir Crazy 3) Robocop or The Terminator 4) Good Morning Vietnam or Stripes 5) Dumb and Dumber or The Jerk 6) Reservoir Dogs or The Departed 7) Blood Diamond or Lord of War 8) Dog Day Afternoon or Panic Room 9) No Country for Old Men or There Will Be...
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    Poll: "Tommy Boy" or "The Waterboy"?

    Which Comedy movie do you like the best?
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    What Tom Hanks movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "The Green Mile". What about you?
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    What Steve Martin movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "The Jerk". What about you?
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    What Robert De Niro movies do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "Raging Bull", "Ronin", "Men of Honor", "The Untouchables", and "Machete". What about you?
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    What Mel Gibson movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "Payback". What about you?
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    What Adam Sandler movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "The Waterboy". What about you?
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    What Al Pacino movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "Scarface". What about you?
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    Favorite top 5 songs by AC/DC?

    Here's mine: "Back in Black" "Highway to Hell" "T.N.T." "Thunderstruck" "Shoot to Thrill"...
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    How many DVD's do you have in your personal collection?

    Just wondering, that's all. All I have is 75. What about you?
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    what is the distance between the plug inputs of a motorola talkabout distance radio?

    I work a small convention and we have a set of older Motorola TalkAbout Distance Radios. I am looking to get a headset that has both of the plugs in one, but I am not sure of the distance between the inputs and I want to make sure before I buy.
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    Top FIVE favorite Gangster movies of all time?

    Here's mine: 1) Scarface 2) Goodfellas 3) Carlito's Way 4) Heat 5) Casino what's yours?
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    how can i play a dvd style game on my computer?

    I purchased a game off ebay for my computer, and the seller said it's on a DVD (guessing a pirated copy), but my desktop does not have a DVD-writer installed, just a regular cd writer. I just need to get the install to work so i can get rid of the disk. Is there any software or drivers I can...
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    how can i play a dvd style game on my computer?

    I purchased a game off ebay for my computer, and the seller said it's on a DVD (guessing a pirated copy), but my desktop does not have a DVD-writer installed, just a regular cd writer. I just need to get the install to work so i can get rid of the disk. Is there any software or drivers I can...
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    Poll: Just A Friend: Mario or Biz Markie?

    Which Version of the song do you like the best?
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    Poll: The Jerk or Stripes?

    Which Classic Comedy movie do you like better?
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    Poll: Scarface or Lord of War?

    Which movie do you like better?
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    Can I sue Verizon Wireless?

    A few months ago I made the decision to order Verizon's internet service. I was informed that my connection would be established at date x. On date x my service was not available. I called the company and told them about my problem. I was told that the company didn't had any information under...