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  1. B

    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    Please tell me you're fucking kidding.
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    Help with creating some riddles for a Mall Scavenger hunt?

    i help you see, but I cannot - sunglasses i grow shorter as i help you see - candle don't rub me the wrong way - velvet fabric
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    Who is Gossip Girl Going to Be?

    wtf is that what this show is about? i don't watch but they will try and make it a shocker as most tv shows do...
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    Is this too much exercise?

    I want to lose as much weight as possible in a week, so I'll walk for 1 hour and a half, stretch for about 30 minutes and bike 30 km on a stationary bike. After the week finishes I'll walk for an hour and bike 20 km 5-6 times a week. I'll also eat about 1300 calories everyday. Btw, I'm 15, I...
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    I need to vent, and also like to hear yal opinions.?

    She doesn't want to be with you.!! Can you really blame her? A woman wants a man not a child that's jealous. Move on leave her alone. She didn't have to prove anything either you trust her or not. So learn to trust or be alone.
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    Could the 2012 hubbub be a self-fulfilling prophecy,by exciting people to...

    It's probably just that they turned out to be full of shit with the 2011 hubbub, so they revised the date.
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    What would be the moral implications of technology that predicts people's future...

    A horrible real-life enactment of a horrible Tom Cruise sci-fi vehicle.
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    Christians: What should I expect in Heaven?

    43 virgins. Yahweh had to upstage the muslims.
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    Can gays and bisexuals be saved if they accept Christ but still have relationships?

    If they couldn't, catholic priests would be screwed. No pun intended.
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    If someone believes in Jesus Christ.. yet lives their life as they want...?

    They will be judged and rewarded for what they had done in life, regardless of their religion. Jesus provides an easy way, to be a loving person but so do other religions. If you go through life, being a general douchebag.. you are going to end up on the short end of the stick, but not likely...
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    any religion? according to you? what do you need to do in order to have

    I always receive an answer, most of the time it is a sensation of peace. Sometimes, I feel warmth envelope my body along with a sensation of unconditional love and forgiveness. I don't ask for outlandish things, usually I just give my thanks and ask for guidance. I don't think of God as a...
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    If marijuana were completely legal, would it be as cheap as tobacco?

    No. Marijuana is less addictive than tobacco, so it would be hard to generate as much demand for it as there is demand for tobacco.
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    Since Christians think that every non-Christian is beneath them, where's...

    I take it, you don't know many practicing Christians.
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    I found my son listening to "Highway to hell" by AC/DC?

    What, is your son a 40 year old?
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    Why don't Christians convert to Judaism if Jews are the chosen people?

    Why would I want to do that? Jesus, the Messiah has already returned.
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    How can my facebook picture be like this? how do they do that and make the picture big to fit 4 pictures?
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    How come Bachmann fans complain about her Newsweek Photo?

    Oh snap, dude that was just wrong.. Ewww
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    Things you used to believe

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    Has anyone's baby's PDA closed on its own?

    My daughter was diagnosed with PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) when she was about 5 months old and they said I should have her checked out again in 6 months to see if it may be closing on its own. Well I took her back to the cardiologist 6 months later and apparently there have not been any...
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    Serious Survey ~ Have you checked your smoke alarms lately?

    my house is small I don't need one I can see the entire house from my bedroom and living room :P